Mirena’s IUD May Cause Serious Surgery In Women

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Mirena IUD Linked to Ectopic Pregnancy, Miscarriage

The Mirena IUD contraceptive is not as effective and safe as promoted by manufacturer Bayer. The T-shaped birth control device may expose the users to the risk of ectopic pregnancy. The IUD has also been reported for miscarriages, infertility, uterine injuries, and spontaneous migration. The FDA MedWatch adverse reporting has been inundated with thousands of complaints linking Mirena to pelvic inflammatory disease, uterus perforation, hysterectomy, menstrual disorder, ectopic pregnancy, and a number of other internal injuries.  We are currently providing free case evaluations to women who suffered an unnecessary surgery from Mirena: CLICK HERE.

Mirena Cause of Ectopic Pregnancy

Bayer advertises Mirena as a safe and secure contraceptive for women with one or more children. The sentence itself speaks of the potential risk of infertility or miscarriage the IUD can cause even when the user is no longer using it. However, the more interesting fact is that many women using Mirena have been found pregnant – either an ectopic pregnancy or failure of the contraceptive caused by its migration.

Ectopic Pregnancy is a condition where the embryo grows outside the uterine cavity, in ovaries, abdomen, or fallopian tube. In most of the cases, it ruptures and results in internal hemorrhage, a serious condition that may cause threat to the life of the mother. According to the post-marketing reports, almost half of women reported for pregnancy while using Mirena IUD were victims of ectopic pregnancy. Those with recurrent pelvic problems, tubal problems, or previous history are at an increased risk of ectopic pregnancy while using Mirena birth control IUD.

Ectopic pregnancy is often considered a health complication, and its survival rate is very low. However, the condition causes immense pain, hemorrhage, and life-threatening medical suffering for patients. Ectopic pregnancy also leads to additional complications, such as

  • vaginal bleeding
  • pelvic pain
  • death due to internal bleeding
  • laparoscopic surgery
  • miscarriage and infertility
  • abdominal pain and inflammation
  • problem in urination
  • appendicitis

Surgical intervention is the only option for Mirena IUD users to get rid of ectopic pregnancy. Doctors perform laparoscopy to ensure surgical termination of pregnancy before it may lead to life-threatening bleeding. There are instances where doctors were forced to remove fallopian tubes in women patients to save them from ectopic pregnancy injuries. Later, it was found that the women were on Mirena IUD for two years.

A study reported in 2013 by the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology warned that surgical removal of Mirena contraceptive in women with more than 12-week pregnancy could be highly unsafe. For those suffering from both Mirena migration and ectopic pregnancy, the problem poses a double threat to their lives. The Mayo Clinic has already issued a similar warning.

Mirena Lawsuits

A Mirena lawsuit filed a few weeks ago claims that Mirena IUD caused the plaintiff to suffer from miscarriage and infertility. The plaintiff, a 28-year-old mother, had a hard time after using the Mirena IUD. She had genital tract and pelvic infections prior to an ectopic pregnancy caused by the IUD. When she tried to conceive six months after the contraceptive removal, she had a miscarriage. Another Mirena lawsuit filed in New Jersey alleges that the device caused the plaintiff to have ectopic pregnancy. The device migrated from its place and perforated her uterus.  Both Mirena lawsuits have sought damages for their health problems, pain, suffering, and economic losses.

If you experienced adverse Mirena side effectsrequired surgery or have a loved one who suffered death following the implantation of Mirena, you may have a potential Mirena lawsuit. Please also visit our Mirena Lawsuit Information Source.


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