Mirena Lawyer Discusses Potential Medical Malpractice Claims

mirena attorney


Our team of attorneys are now investigating claims and prepared to file Mirena lawsuitsinvolving the intrauterine contraceptive device Mirena®. Manufactured by Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Mirena is an IUD device [intrauterine device] that must be inserted by a trained health care provider and is intended to provide contraceptive protection for up to five years. Some women have experienced serious adverse side-effects and potentially life-threatening complications following the implantation of theMirena device, including perforation of or imbedment in the uterus.

Mirena May Lead to Medical Malpractice

Mirena is alleged to have many side effects. Mirena is an interuterine contraceptive device {IUD}. Our team includes Mirena attorneys that want to provide information to women or their loved ones about making a Mirena claim or to discuss a Mirena lawsuit.

Lawsuits can come in two forms.  First, there are claims that can be made when the device itself causes harm to the patient. These claims can include perforation of the uterus, embedding in the uterilne lining, and adhesion or other damage to the body.  Some of our clients have endured unnecessary surgeries, including removal of the device after it became embedded in the peritoneal cavity / abdominal cavity.  An unnecessary surgery could also include a hysterectomy, whether before the patient has decided to have children or afterwards.

There is unfortunately anothere category of claims that can be made surrounding Mirena, and this includes claims of medical malpractice against a physician.  Mirena in our opinion should be implanted either when the patient is postpartum or on their menstral cycle to ensure the patient is not pregnant.  In the event the patient is not in one of these two periods, we believe the standard of care requires a physician to perform a pregnancy test and WAIT for the pregnancy test results before implanting the device.

We are saddened to recieve calls from women across the country after learning they were implanted with a Mirena either (1) without a pregnancy test or (2) without the physician waiting for the pregnancy test results.  The end result, as feared, was the these women were pregnant, and the implantation of the Mirena device resulted in the death of the unborn child.

If you fit any of these descriptions above, we urge you to contact our team of Mirena lawyers at 1-800-632-1404 to discuss, or please fill out a form to the right or below. We stand ready to discuss how we can try and help you.


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    NOTE: Our team of attorneys will review potential cases for all fifty states, including Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin and Wyoming.

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