Mirena Lawyer Discusses Effects of Device on Those Who Experienced a Hysterectomy

mirena attorney


Our team of attorneys are now investigating claims and prepared to file Mirena lawsuitsinvolving the intrauterine contraceptive device Mirena®. Manufactured by Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Mirena is an IUD device [intrauterine device] that must be inserted by a trained health care provider and is intended to provide contraceptive protection for up to five years. Some women have experienced serious adverse side-effects and potentially life-threatening complications following the implantation of theMirena device, including perforation of or imbedment in the uterus.

Mirena Lawsuit Filed Over Hysterectomy, Laparoscopy, Removal Surgery

Laura, a 28-year-old mother of two, selected Mirena IUD contraceptive five years ago. The things that unfolded thereafter in the life left her with remorse and agony. She endured pain and heavy bleeding attributed to the birth control for four years and finally met her doctor to remove it after her husband was injured by the T-shaped device during intercourse. A biopsy done on the doctor’s suggestion revealed that the Mirena IUD was attached to her cervix causing it to develop scar tissues. She underwent a painful surgery to remove the IUD.

Laura’s ordeal did not end there. She continued to experience severe pain. Within six months, she was prescribed for surgery to remove or cauterize her cervix that had abnormal and scarred cells following Mirena perforation. However, on detail examination by her gynecologist, Laura was recommended to undergo a complete hysterectomy as both her uterus and cervix were severely damaged by the IUD. The 28-year-old had no option but to remove the badly Mirena IUD perforated uterus to alleviate her five-year-long pain and suffering.

Mirena Injuries Linked to Hysterectomy

Thousands of women like Laura have experienced serious and painful Mirena side effects. There were at least 50,000 Mirena adverse event reports, including over 4,700 on IUD-induced hysterectomy, reported through the MedWatch in the last five years. Mirena lawsuits are filed across the United States claiming that the IUD design defect causes it to displace and migrate to other parts of the body. During its migration, the birth control device perforates various internal organs or remains embedded to them leading to pain and health problems.

Uterus, due to its proximity to the place of implant, is more likely to come first in the way of migrating IUD, which put it at the risk of damage. In most of the cases, it has been found that surgical intervention to remove the damaged uterus became the only solution to prevent pain and consequent health problems. Such apprehensions led to many experts and even the FDA advising women without babies against use of Mirena IUD when the contraceptive was introduced in 2000.

According to a 2012 study commenced by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over 60 percent of U.S. healthcare professionals oppose the selection of Mirena IUD for the risk of uterus damage. A similar survey report has also been published by the American Public Health Association in October 2012.

Nevada Woman Files Mirena Lawsuit

A Mirena lawsuits filed in October 2013 by a woman from Nevada has claimed that the plaintiff was forced to undergo IUD removal surgery following Mirena migration and uterus perforation. She became pregnant in 2011 despite using the contraceptive device for two years. Diagnosis revealed that the IUD had been displaced and was floating in her omentum after perforating the uterus. She underwent a high-risk surgery to remove the device. The Mirena lawsuit alleges that Bayer was aware of Mirena side effects, but kept the risks out of public purview for commercial gains.

Kellie Fulkrod of New York underwent laparoscopic surgery after the Mirena IUD she had migrated from its implanted position. According to her Mirena lawsuit filed in an Illinois federal court, the IUD punctured the plaintiff’s uterus before migrating to the abdominal cavity within four years of using it. Kellie had an incision through the abdomen to retrieve and remove the IUD.

If you experienced adverse Mirena side effects, required surgery or have a loved one who suffered death following the implantation of Mirena, you may have a potential Mirena lawsuit.


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