Mirena Lawsuit Filed Over Mirena Injury: Perforation and Surgery

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Mirena Injury Perforation Lawsuit: Women Claim Serious Uterus Damage, Internal Injuries

More than 1,300 women have undergone hysterectomy and other invasive procedures since 2007 following Mirena perforation of their uterus. Despite claims of assured safety and effective birth control by its manufacturer, Mirena IUD has been reported to the FDA for causing injuries for 47,000 persons in the last five years. Hundreds of women have filed Mirena lawsuits claiming that the levonorgestrel birth control IUD they selected to prevent pregnancy cut through their uterus, fallopian tube, and other pelvic organs, causing them to suffer health hazards. Media reports indicate at least 5,000 women had experienced serious health problems and one or more surgical interventions to treat internal injuries linked to Mirena migration and perforation.

Design Defect Reason for Mirena Perforation

The T-shaped Mirena birth control device is implanted in the uterus. Levonorgestrel hormone released from the contraceptive IUD steadily thickens the cervical mucus that obstructs movement of sperms into the fallopian tube and thus prevents fertilization. Once inserted, the birth control IUD is expected to check unwanted pregnancy for five years.

However, many users have claimed that the design defect allows Mirena IUD to spontaneously dislodge and migrate from its place of insertion and cause extensive injuries. A 2013 report prepared by DrugRisk, a consumer watchdog on adverse events related to prescription drug injuries, highlighted a 17 percent increase in the number of Mirena perforation injury claims compared to the year before.

The American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology reported a number of case studies in February 2013 warning of life-long-term adverse impacts on young women due to Mirena perforation of their internal organs and consequent surgeries. The Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons also advised all laparoscopy and endoscopy professionals registered with it about the potential danger of Mirena perforations rendering permanent damage to reproductive organs.

Mirena Perforation Injuries

The most reported Mirena perforation adverse events include:

  • Damage to uterus caused by the displaced the Mirena IUD
  • Surgical intervention to get rid of the birth control device embedded to internal organs
  • Surgery to remove the uterus (hysterectomy) punctured due to the displaced IUD
  • Perforation of uterus and fallopian tube ending the ability of users to conceive
  • Additional surgeries and post-operative problems following Mirena perforation complications, such as menopause disorders, tissue excision, pelvic infections, etc.

Mirena Perforation Lawsuit

Of over 1,050 Mirena lawsuits filed so far, a large number of the litigations claim injuries caused by the IUD migration and perforation. A Mirena perforation lawsuit filed in a California court representing 29 women sought product liability on the ground that all plaintiffs were forced to undergo hysterectomy to remove their uterus perforated by displaced IUD beyond repair.

Illinois resident Kellie is suing Bayer claiming that Mirena perforation of her uterus had ended her ability to become a mother. The IUD contraceptive was found to have migrated and embedded with her cervix after puncturing her uterus. She underwent multiple surgeries and advised by doctors against future pregnancy fearing miscarriages and life-threatening complications linked to her damaged uterus.

A 20-year-old South Carolina woman requires surgically induced menopause and regular estrogen treatment to manage severe complications caused by Mirena removal surgery. She underwent multiple surgeries after doctors discovered extensive Mirena perforation injuries damaging her pelvic and reproductive organs. Another Mirena perforation lawsuit filed by AN Ohio resident in December 2013 claims that the users underwent surgery to remove the IUD found attached to her uterus. However, the injuries were so extensive that she was forced to have additional surgeries done for appendectomy and stomach tissue excision.

If you experienced adverse Mirena side effects, required surgery or have a loved one who suffered death following the implantation of Mirena, you may have a potential Mirena lawsuit. Please also visit our Mirena Lawsuit Information Source.

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