Tennessee Testosterone Lawyer Discusses Androgel Testosterone Lawsuit Evaluation

Low T Lawyer
Testosterone lawsuits claim blood clots, heart attack, and stroke due to Low-T drug side effects.

A surge in the filing of Tennessee testosterone lawsuits in the last one year brings to notice how manufacturers duped consumers and sold disease in the name of reversing normal effects of aging and restoring youthful vigor. Escalating side effect complaints corroborated by mounting research evidence and rising product liability lawsuits have busted the myth of testosterone as fountain of youth. Now it is the time to pay back the low-T drug makers who put monetary benefits above your health and run misinformation campaigns for commercial gains.

The $2 billion testosterone market founded on “direct-to-consumer campaign and unethical selling of a fake disease” caused thousands of incidents of blood clots, heart attack, stroke, or cardiac complications in unsuspecting low-T drug users. The law empowers Tennessee men and their families to file to testosterone Androgel product liability lawsuits and seek compensatory and punitive financial damages for their suffering and medical expenses. They too have a duty to initiate legal action against makers of Androgel, Testim, Androderm, and other low-T supplements and ensure their accountable to consumer safety. Explore your options for product liability during no cost, no obligation consultation with a Tennessee testosterone lawyer.

Testosterone Therapy Lawsuit filed by Tennessee Testosterone Lawyer

The family of a 52-year-old filed a Tennessee testosterone lawsuit a few months ago claiming wrongful death. The victim started using Androgel after going through an online quiz on the manufacturer’s website that encourages mid-life males to identify if they are low on testosterone and require using the supplement. Though such promotion is a blatant violation of medical ethics, it influences men on seeking a testosterone boost.  The lawsuit was filed by a Tennessee testosterone lawyer.

The victim suffered from blood clots and had recurrent heart attacks within 11 months. He had no cardiac problem before he began taking Androgel. His family came to know about the risk of heart attack and stroke after FDA highlighted “increased risk of heart attack, blood clots, consequent venous thromboembolism, deadly arterial blockages, and stroke with use of testosterone products for low testosterone due to aging.”

The Tennessee Androgel lawsuit is among more than 2,000 testosterone product liability claims filed against low-T drug makers.

Testosterone Therapy Not Beneficial, Claims Study

According to the latest research findings reported by the Journal of the American Medical Association last week, low-T supplements do not guarantee “improvement in overall sexual function, partner intimacy, and health-related quality of life” in users. The study also calls for much larger study on the heart attack risk linked to testosterone supplements.

Researchers from Havard experimented with 300 men above 60 years and suffering from low level of testosterone. Divided into two groups, one was treated with low-T supplements while the other was put under placebo medication for three years. The results suggested no significant improvement in those given low-T supplements compared to non- testosterone treatment as far as the quality of life and sexual functions are concerned. The study rejected the claim of manufacturers promoting testosterone therapy as beneficial to improve lifestyle and sexual orientation.

In 2013, the JAMA journal published a commentary criticizing the low-T supplement manufacturers for creating a terming age-related natural change as a disease to promote sell of their products. In 2014, TIME published a report where medical professionals questioned “whether testosterone products are safe or if they even revitalize men like they promise to.”

Contact us or call on 1-800-632-1404 for evaluation of your potential testosterone lawsuit claim by a Tennessee testosterone lawyer.

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