Testosterone Heart attack Concerns Continue, Study Evaluates Low-T Supplements for Risks

Low T

As a Tennessee testosterone injury lawyer, we have been taking keen interest in exploring association between cardiovascular risks and low-T supplements ever since the first revelations took the nation by storm. There has been widespread allegation against manufactures over direct-to-consumer promotions and “selling of a non-existent disease” for profits. While abuse of testosterone supplements is known to cause heart attack and strokes, a recent study has made a comparative analysis of degree of threat posed by various types of low-T drugs.

JAMA Report on Evaluation of Low-T Supplement Risks

According to a report published in the JAMA Internal Medicine, low-t injections carry the highest cardiovascular complication risk compared to patches and gels. Based on the research by scholars from the Chapel Hill-based University of North Carolina, the study is a direct acknowledgement of heart attack and stroke risks, fatal incidents, and hospitalizations associated with testosterone drugs.

The study took into account half-a-million records obtained from insurance and Medicare claims between 2000 and 2012 both in the United States and United Kingdom. Researchers identified different types of low-T products – patch (7% users), gel (56%), and injections (37%) – used by subjects and evaluate their medical history reported within 180 days of the therapy.

The risk of heart complications, including thromboembolic events, strokes, unstable angina, and heart attack, was found to be higher in those taking low-T injections. User were at 26 percent higher risk of developed these complications. They have 16 percent more chance of being hospitalized and 32 percent more danger of death from heart problems compared to gels and patches, which also caused disturbing cardio problems.

Testosterone Heart Risk

In July, a Tennessee man sued Androgel maker AbbVie claiming that his father died due to blood clots and stroke associated with the low-T supplement therapy. The deceased man, aged 65, took Androgel after analyzing his condition according to the questionnaire on the manufacturer website. He had no prior history of heart attack and he was encouraged by the makers to use the supplement for lifestyle improvement, the TN lawyer representing the low-T lawsuit claims. Complications were visible in eight months and he died.

Recent revelations by over 2,000 Androgel and other low-T lawsuits filed across the country highlight deep vein thrombosis, death, heart attack, and sudden stroke following testosterone replacement therapy. The $2-billion low-T market allegedly stands on an aggressive marketing campaign and misinformation on the safety of supplements. Men misinformed by manufacturers mistake natural fall in testosterone as a disease and use low-T patches, gel, and injections that effects cardiac problems.

In November 2013, a report in the Journal of the American Medical Association was first to highlight cardiovascular adverse events in older men using low-T drugs. It opened the stage for litigation and hundreds of testosterone heart attack lawsuits were filed in Tennessee and other states. The trend continues with increasing consumer awareness. Three months later, PLoSOne published a study claiming that low-T supplement users aged 65 and above at two-fold greater risk of heart attack and stroke. Another study reported by Pharmacotherapy journal in 2015 warned of 40 percent increase in the possibility of heart attack.

In March 2015, the FDA added new label warnings on heart attack, blood clot, blockages, and strokes. Last month, the regulator asked the manufacturers to have more clinical trials to validate the safety data.

Contact us or call on 1-800-632-1404 for evaluation of your potential low-T lawsuit claim by our Tennessee testosterone injury lawyer. We have the experience and expertise in handling Androgel and other low-T supplement lawsuits.

Tennessee Testosterone Lawyer Discusses Androgel Testosterone Lawsuit Evaluation

Low T Lawyer
Testosterone lawsuits claim blood clots, heart attack, and stroke due to Low-T drug side effects.

A surge in the filing of Tennessee testosterone lawsuits in the last one year brings to notice how manufacturers duped consumers and sold disease in the name of reversing normal effects of aging and restoring youthful vigor. Escalating side effect complaints corroborated by mounting research evidence and rising product liability lawsuits have busted the myth of testosterone as fountain of youth. Now it is the time to pay back the low-T drug makers who put monetary benefits above your health and run misinformation campaigns for commercial gains.

The $2 billion testosterone market founded on “direct-to-consumer campaign and unethical selling of a fake disease” caused thousands of incidents of blood clots, heart attack, stroke, or cardiac complications in unsuspecting low-T drug users. The law empowers Tennessee men and their families to file to testosterone Androgel product liability lawsuits and seek compensatory and punitive financial damages for their suffering and medical expenses. They too have a duty to initiate legal action against makers of Androgel, Testim, Androderm, and other low-T supplements and ensure their accountable to consumer safety. Explore your options for product liability during no cost, no obligation consultation with a Tennessee testosterone lawyer.

Testosterone Therapy Lawsuit filed by Tennessee Testosterone Lawyer

The family of a 52-year-old filed a Tennessee testosterone lawsuit a few months ago claiming wrongful death. The victim started using Androgel after going through an online quiz on the manufacturer’s website that encourages mid-life males to identify if they are low on testosterone and require using the supplement. Though such promotion is a blatant violation of medical ethics, it influences men on seeking a testosterone boost.  The lawsuit was filed by a Tennessee testosterone lawyer.

The victim suffered from blood clots and had recurrent heart attacks within 11 months. He had no cardiac problem before he began taking Androgel. His family came to know about the risk of heart attack and stroke after FDA highlighted “increased risk of heart attack, blood clots, consequent venous thromboembolism, deadly arterial blockages, and stroke with use of testosterone products for low testosterone due to aging.”

The Tennessee Androgel lawsuit is among more than 2,000 testosterone product liability claims filed against low-T drug makers.

Testosterone Therapy Not Beneficial, Claims Study

According to the latest research findings reported by the Journal of the American Medical Association last week, low-T supplements do not guarantee “improvement in overall sexual function, partner intimacy, and health-related quality of life” in users. The study also calls for much larger study on the heart attack risk linked to testosterone supplements.

Researchers from Havard experimented with 300 men above 60 years and suffering from low level of testosterone. Divided into two groups, one was treated with low-T supplements while the other was put under placebo medication for three years. The results suggested no significant improvement in those given low-T supplements compared to non- testosterone treatment as far as the quality of life and sexual functions are concerned. The study rejected the claim of manufacturers promoting testosterone therapy as beneficial to improve lifestyle and sexual orientation.

In 2013, the JAMA journal published a commentary criticizing the low-T supplement manufacturers for creating a terming age-related natural change as a disease to promote sell of their products. In 2014, TIME published a report where medical professionals questioned “whether testosterone products are safe or if they even revitalize men like they promise to.”

Contact us or call on 1-800-632-1404 for evaluation of your potential testosterone lawsuit claim by a Tennessee testosterone lawyer.

Testosterone Therapy Risk: Are Manufacturers Selling A “Fake Disease”?

Low T Lawsuit

Are makers of Androgel, Androderm, Abbvie, Axiron, and other testosterone therapy drugs selling diseases instead of medications? A testosterone lawsuit filed recently is the latest in the series of litigations highlighting the way manufacturers use direct-to-consumer ad campaigns to convince consumers about the need for testosterone therapy medications. Manufacturers have “made up” a fake disease – mislead consumers on the age-related natural decrease in testosterone citing it as a health disorder – through advertisements and forcing people to seek medications they hardly ever need. There is indeed a Testosterone Therapy Risk to those who ingest the drug.

The testosterone lawsuit argues that “aggressive marketing campaign by manufacturers encouraged men to discuss testosterone replacement therapy with their doctors and consumers and their physicians relied on manufacturers’ promises of safety, effectiveness and east of use.” A fort-five-year-old man swayed by manufacturer’s campaign went for Androgel to improve his age-related fall in testosterone levels. He had two heart attacks within a year of having the gel-based testosterone therapy. The user had no prior cardiovascular problem and he developed blood clots after six months of the gel use. Our Tennessee testosterone therapy lawyer has also come across many such stories where ads played a role in “misinforming men to go for prescriptions they didn’t need” and in causing them to bear the brunt of testosterone therapy heart attack side effects.

JAMA Commentary Blames Low-T Drug Ads Campaign

The ever increasing number of testosterone lawsuits claiming blood clot and cardiovascular side effects are being filed every month and research studies also bring into the notice the flipside of ad campaign by low-T drug makers. In 2013, a commentary in the JAMA Internal Medicine journal entitled “Low ‘T’: How to Sell Disease” made a scathing attack on the marketing practice of low-T drug makers citing how unethical selling of a fake disease drives the $2 billion annual sale of these drugs.

The report was based on the pattern of testosterone therapy sought by 11 million men and discovered that a majority of these were “convinced that they suffered from low testosterone” and used medications without any test. Their primary source of reliance on low-t drugs is “driven, in large part, by direct-to-consumer marketing campaigns.” These ads are so pervasive that many over 40 years are readily thinking that they have a little bit of testosterone and they must use testosterone therapy to prevent losing the youth and vitality.

The notable example is how AbbVie sells Androgel, the low-T drug most targeted through testosterone lawsuits. Its ads highlight impacts of falling T levels and a miracle cure with the drug. The dedicated Low-T website run by the drug maker has “an online quiz sure to make most mid-life males muse about the benefits of a testosterone boost.” Riding on this, Androgel gives AbbVie a billion dollar in revenue every year.

While making such ads, manufacturers forget that their medication is to treat clinical symptoms of hypogonadism, the condition of abnormally low testosterone, which affects only a small number of people. The ads suppress the fact that decrease in T level is natural with age and marshal drugs as the holy grail of sex, muscular body, energy, positive mood, and lifestyle enhancement. Thus healthy men using testosterone therapy are turning unhealthy due to side effects.

The commentary termed such efforts to spin the drug benefits through unbalanced presentation of ‘facts’ as “a mass, uncontrolled experiment, which invites men to expose themselves to the harms of a treatment unlikely to fix problems which they may not really have.”

Manufacturers Selling Drugs Despite Knowing Risks

The evidence of cardiovascular problems associated with low-T drugs first came into light in November 2013 a research report cited 30 percent rise in heart attack risks. Based on VA Eastern Colorado Health Care data, the JAMA report led to filing of testosterone lawsuits. This was followed by NY Times and Wall Street Journal reports claiming that drug makers suppressed safety data on the medications for about a decade. In 2009, NIH called off a trial after many patients treated with testosterone therapy developed blood clots and heart problems.

Persistent pressure by consumer watchdogs forced the FDA to announce a probe that resulted in warning by the federal regulator about “increased risk of heart attack and stroke with use of testosterone products for low testosterone due to aging.” A recent analysis in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society terms low- T drug advertising as “the mass marketing component of disease mongering of age-related declines in testosterone.”

Contact us or call on 1-800-632-1404 for evaluation of your potential testosterone lawsuit claim by our experienced Tennessee testosterone therapy lawyer.

Testosterone Therapy May Result in a Testosterone Lawsuit



The upswing in testosterone lawsuit filing and research reports warning of fatal heart attack risks associated with Low-T drugs have woken up medical regulatory authorities. The European Medicines Agency has called for limiting prescription of testosterone drugs to the treatment of verified hypogonadism and avoiding using them to benefit lifestyle. In September, two FDA committees made similar recommendations that forced the US federal regulator to seek additional data on the testosterone blood clotting side effects.

The EMA warning came after its Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee called for regular safety review and monitoring of testosterone therapy heart attack risks. “Testosterone levels naturally fall somewhat with age, but restoration of these levels in healthy older men is not an authorized use of the medicine and manufacturers should update the product information in line with the latest evidence and to provide warnings about those who might be at an increased risk of heart problems,” reads the EMA’s statement issued on November 21.

“The product information should make it clear that testosterone should only be used when an abnormally low level of the hormone has been confirmed by signs and symptoms and appropriate laboratory tests,” says the agency. The assertion comes in the backdrop of allegations that manufacturers are resorting to direct-to-consumer marketing and advertising their drugs as an effective mean to counter falling energy and sex drive due to the aging process.

Though the European agency did not reach any conclusive evidence on the association between testosterone therapy and heart attacks and blood clots, it suggested continued “research, monitoring, and regular safety review” of such adverse events. The regulator also advised men with heart, liver, or kidney disorders to avoid testosterone drugs.

FDA Calls For Safety Review

Two FDA panels, Drug Safety and Risk Management Committee and Bone, Reproductive, and Urologic Drugs Committee, met in September to assess testosterone side effect injury complaints. After consulting with various experts, the two panels suggested regulatory direction to force manufacturers for “additional trials to evaluate the side effects of testosterone drugs on mens’ hearts.”

Held in the backdrop of rising number of testosterone lawsuits, both meetings called for efforts to prevent Low-T drug use for “life style reasons” and restrict their prescription to actual illness. It called for strict measures to reduce use of the medications to overcome natural drop in testosterone level as the age progresses and even suggested civil fines on drug makers for noncompliance.

Testosterone Therapy Side Effect Risks

With a majority of over three million men using Low-T drugs to meet lifestyle needs, testosterone attorneys expect a large number of side effect injury lawsuits in the coming years. Research studies indicate a higher chance of adverse cardiovascular events in men receiving testosterone boosters despite having normal levels or without proper diagnosis of required medical condition. While these drugs are overprescribed, over 90 percent users are using these medications without proper test readings.

The most common injuries associated with testosterone therapy include,

  • Blood clots
  • Heart attack
  • Stroke
  • Pulmonary embolism
  • Wrongful death
  • Metabolic disorder
  • Kidney and liver problems

In February 2014, the New York Times made a startling claim that manufacturers had suppressed information related to testosterone therapy heart attack side effects for over a decade. A 2013 report in the Journal of American Medical Association attacked Low-T drug makers for “selling diseases” through advertisements “designed to convince men that they suffered from low testosterone” even if there was no required medical condition.

Testosterone Lawsuit

Over 200 testosterone lawsuits have been centralized at an Illinois federal court for pretrial consolidations. The first Androgel lawsuit bellwether trial is expected to start in the second half of 2016. While researchers continue to identify and evaluate potential risks associated with testosterone therapy, attorneys specializing in drug injury litigations are busy evaluating prospective claims.

If you are victim of similar injures or suffered adverse events linked to Low- T drugs, contact us or call on 1-800-632-1404 for evaluation of your potential testosterone lawsuit by our experienced drug injury lawyers.

To Contact a Testosterone Lawyer:

If you or a loved one have experienced a testosterone replacement therapy injury after undergoing low testosterone therapy, please contact our team of lawyers today for a free case evaluation at:

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    NOTE: Our team of attorneys will review potential cases for all fifty states, including Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin and Wyoming.

    Testosterone Therapy Heart Attack Side Effect Leads to Class Action

    testosterone lawsuit

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    A testosterone therapy lawsuit seeking class action status has been filed in a Pennsylvania federal court claiming product liability against Watson, Actavis, and Pfizer. The Low T supplement class action has sought to represent all individuals subject to wrongful death or injuries following use of Depo-Testosterone injections and AndroDerm testosterone patches. Depo-Testosterone is made by Pharmacia & Upjohn, a Pfizer subsidiary, while AndroDerm is a product of Watson Pharmaceuticals. Recent reports linking Low-T supplements to serious heart attack and stroke risks have led to surge in testosterone lawsuits across the United States.

    Filed in the Eastern District Court, the testosterone therapy lawsuit alleges that “pharmaceutical corporations involved in the manufacture, sale, distribution, marketing and promotion of testosterone replacement therapy products collectively engaged in aggressive direct-to-consumer, physician promotion, and unbranded ‘disease awareness’ campaign to alert men that they might be suffering from ‘Low T’ to create and expand a market for testosterone replacement therapy and as a result of this ‘disease mongering’…individuals diagnosed with Low T has increased exponentially.” The absence of any information on side effects encouraged the use of their products by consumers, who experienced heart problems later.

    Lead plaintiff 39-year-old Walter McGill suffered myocardial infarction, commonly known as heart attack, within months of using Depo Testosterone and AndroDerm to overcome low-testosterone signs he noticed following promotional campaign. Non-disclosure of testosterone heart attack risks by drug makers led him to consider the products as safe until he suffered the heart attack.

    Testosterone Therapy Heart Attack Risk

    Low-T supplements, including AndroGel, Depo-Testosterone, Testim, and AndroDerm, have been approved as a treatment for hypogonadism, a medical condition resulting in very low testosterone production in men. However, marketing promotion and easy availability of these products have led to their use for lifestyle purposes, causing adverse cardiovascular events, such as

    ü  blood clotting

    ü  heart stroke

    ü  heart attack

    ü  metabolic disorders causing diabetes

    ü  cardiovascular death

    Consumers using testosterone therapy face the risk of one-third increase in heart attack possibility, claim research findings based on the study of over 9,000 veterans. Reported in the JAMA journal of November 2013, the study warned of 29 percent rise in heart problems among people without any pre-existing cardiovascular disorder. According to the PLOSOne journal, the risk increases by two times and goes up with age. Both reports highlighted the possibility of death for people with existing heart ailments and blamed off-label promotion of the medications for most of the side effects.

    Testosterone Lawsuits on the Rise

    Research reports and the January 31st FDA decision to review testosterone heart attack risks have triggered a rush for litigations by men considered to have suffered from blood clots, strike, and heart attack within months of using testosterone enhancing drugs. About 100 testosterone therapy lawsuits claiming heart attack and similar incidents have been filed in the last six months. More than 50 of these are Androgel lawsuits filed against AbbVie, a unit of Abbot Laboratories.

    A testosterone wrongful death lawsuit has been filed against Auxilium Pharmaceuticals claiming that its Testim gel-based supplement caused a 61-year-old Louisiana man to have a fatal heart attack. Actavis and Watson have been named defendant in a number of testosterone lawsuits filed over heart disorders in consumers linked to AndroDerm.

    If you or a loved one have experienced a testosterone replacement therapy injury after undergoing low testosterone therapy, please contact our team of lawyers today for a free case evaluation at:

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      NOTE: Our team of attorneys will review potential cases for all fifty states, including Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin and Wyoming.

      Testosterone Lawsuit: A Brief Review of Low-T Side Effects, Litigation

      testosterone lawsuit

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      The Testosterone therapy supplement market has expanded 600 percent in the last one decade and recorded over $2 billion in annual sales due to its wide popularity among men to reinforce their lifestyle. However, the recent spurt in AndoGel lawsuits and researchers suggesting fatal cardiac risks in users have led to a growth in demand for regulating of testosterone enhancing drugs. While the aggressive, direct-to-consumers marketing practices by Low-T supplement makers face severe criticism, the use of these medications for lifestyle enhancement threatens to grow into a major public health issue.

      Testosterone Therapy: The Medical Use and Abuse

      Testosterone hormone helps maintain muscle vigor, bone health, and high level of energy in men. Acting like a steroid, the hormone is also primarily responsible for maintaining sexual drive and sperm level in males. Usually, the production of testosterone diminishes in the 30s or when one is diagnosed with hypogonadism, a medical condition that inhibits production of the hormone by sex glands. A large number of medications, called Low-T supplements, are available in the market in the form of gels, patches, and injections to overcome diminished testosterone levels.

      Testosterone therapy or use of these supplements is suggested only when one is diagnosed with hypogonadism, not age-related decline in the hormone level. However, about two-thirds of users resort to Low-T therapy to reinforce their health, sex drive, body muscles, and lifestyle. Such abuse of testosterone supplements put them at the risk of adverse health events, including heart attack and death.

      Research Studies on Testosterone Therapy Side Effects

      • In November 2013, research findings reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association warned of 29 percent increase in the risk of heart attack due to testosterone therapy. The report claimed widespread abuse of Low-T supplements by users unaware of side effects.
      • According to JAMA report published in July 2013, misleading marketing by drug makers “designed to convince men that they suffered from low testosterone” has resulted in rampant abuse of Low-T drugs. Entitled “Low ‘T’: How to Sell Disease,” the report criticized drug makers to promote testosterone therapy with adequate medical examination.
      • A 2013 NYT report published a research report dating back to 2000 to link testosterone therapy to five-fold increase in heart attack threat. The newspaper also questioned the motive of drug makers, claiming that they suppressed the findings until 2010 and did not alert consumers.
      • The PLOSOne journal published a much wider study in January 2014 claiming that Low-T supplements could result in 36 percent increase in heart disorder risks, including stroke and death.

      Testosterone Therapy Side Effects

      • Wrongful death caused by fatal side effects
      • Enhanced risk of stroke and heart attack
      • Blood Clots leading to polycythemia and deep vein thrombosis
      • Pulmonary embolism or blockage of blood supply to lungs
      • Diabetes and increased cholesterol level
      • Increased risk of prostate cancer
      • Kidney and liver problems in people with preexisting disorders

      FDA Warning on Testosterone Therapy Side Effects

      In January 2014, the FDA ordered a comprehensive review of testosterone therapy side effects after receiving over 100 reports of adverse cardiac events linked to these supplements. AndroGel, the best-selling Low-T supplement, was indicted for 12 deaths and 60 other instances of users suffering from heart attacks. Under pressure from consumer watchdog Public Citizen and mounting testosterone heart attack lawsuits, the federal regulator mandated label warnings on Low-T drugs highlighting the hazard of fatal blood clots on June 19, 2014. The new warning alerts users about the heightened threat of pulmonary embolism, a life-threatening medical condition caused by blood clots.

      Testosterone Lawsuits

      A number of testosterone lawsuits, including over three-dozen AndroGel lawsuits, are centralized in an Illinois Northern District Court. Many more are expected to join, with media reports and research studies suggesting potential risk of heart disorders caused by Low-T supplements and deceptive practices aimed promoting these products. On May 15, 2014, three petitioners approached the Central District Court of California seeking a class action lawsuit representing all consumers who used testosterone booster herbal supplements. According to plaintiffs, there is no clinical study to back the claim of manufacturers that Testofen, the main ingredient in Low-T herbal supplements, enhances testosterone level.

      If you or a loved one have experienced a testosterone replacement therapy injury after undergoing low testosterone therapy, please contact our team of lawyers today for a free case evaluation at:

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        NOTE: Our team of attorneys will review potential cases for all fifty states, including Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin and Wyoming.

        FDA To Launch Investigation Into AndroGel and Testosterone Replacement Therapy

        testosterone lawsuit

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        FDA To Investigate Claims of Injury

        Our defective medical device and prescription drug attorneys are pleased to see the FDA acting in the best interests of the US population.  The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has launched aninvestigation into risk of stroke, heart attack and death in men usingtestosterone products following the publication of two separate studies that showed an increased risk of cardiovascular eventsamong men using the hormone treatment. The agency said it was already monitoring the risk but decided to reassess the safety issue in light of the new studies.

        The FDA says it has not yet concluded whether these FDA-approved treatments increase the risk of stroke, heart attack or death, and that patients who are currently using the treatment should not stop taking it without first talking with their doctor. The agency will issue its findings and recommendations once its investigation is complete.

        Nevertheless, our team of attorneys have reported on a number of occasions that Low T therapy may cause blood clots, heart attacks and strokes in men, which could lead to a number of disabling conditions.

        Types of medication for testosterone replacement therapy include Androgel, Axiron, Androderm, Fortesta, Testim, Testopel, Depo Testosterone, Bio-T-Gel, Delatestryl, and Striant.

        If you or a loved one have experienced a testosterone replacement therapy injury after undergoing low testosterone therapy, please contact our team of lawyers today for a free case evaluation at:

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          NOTE: Our team of attorneys will review potential cases for all fifty states, including Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin and Wyoming.

          Testosterone Therapy Increases Odds of Stroke by Thirty Percent (30%)

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          Wrong Low T Therapy Treatment Widespread, Users at 30 Percent Higher Risk of Heart Attack

          Two recent studies have highlighted that the use of inappropriate testosterone therapy among U.S. men puts them at a greater risk of cardiovascular diseases, including heart attack. According to the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, while the number of testosterone therapy users has registered a five-fold rise in the United States, only a small percentage of them adhere to appropriate testing and user guidelines. Published in January 2014, the report highlights that a vast majority of them are receiving the Low T supplements without any test or even after have been tested with normal testosterone levels.

          Researchers hold that aggressive and direct-to-consumer marketing by manufacturers of testosterone supplements, such as AndroGel, Androderm, Testim, and others, was responsible for large-scale inappropriate use by men. Advertisements focus on encouraging men to go for Low T medications to increase their muscles, sexual ability, and energy level. Hypogonadism or testosterone deficiency, for which the supplements are available, is no more a condition for the treatment.

          The study found that the abuse was more prevalent in the United States despite a severe risk of testosterone therapy cardiovascular side effects. The enthusiasm to increase libido and strength pushes them to “initiate the testosterone therapy at normal levels and many even initiate it without recent testing,” researchers claim.

          30 Percent Increase in Fatal Heart Attack Risk

          Testosterone therapy may cause serious and fatal cardiovascular side effects. The testosterone therapy heart attack risk leading to stroke and death is as high as 30 percent when compared to those not using Low T supplements, the Journal of the American Medical Association reported in November 2013. Based on a study of ex-servicemen registered with the Eastern Colorado Health Care System, it found nearly 30 percent greater risk of serious and fatal heart problems linked to testosterone therapy. We expect that scientists will continue to link Low T therapy with cardiovascular injuries.

          According to the JAMA report, Low T supplements play a role in increasing cardiovascular disorders risk of heart attack, stroke, and death. Of 8,700 men with low level of testosterone and coronary angiography studied, 1,223 received supplements to boost their testosterone production. Doctors discovered that 26 percent of those treated with the Low T supplements had suffered a stroke or heart attack, with a few deaths, within three years.  The rate of same events among the non-testosterone group was less than 20 percent. It was found that those treated with testosterone therapy faced a higher risk of cardiovascular disorder despite being younger and with very few health disorders.

          FDA Advises Against “Age-Related” Testosterone Therapy Solution

          According to the FDA guidelines, men should not use testosterone therapy to prevent normal reduction in hormone production with age. Low T solutions are only for those suffering from hypogonadism, a medical conditions that results in testosterone deficiency. The Endocrine Society has also advised against use of testosterone supplements without proper clinical diagnosis and abnormal reduction in testosterone levels. The fatal side effects of Low T supplements play a crucial role in the publication of such suggestions. We recommend you, of course, consult with your doctor about whether to undergo a Low T program.

          However, contrary to all these warnings, manufacturers continue to promote the Low T supplements through direct-to-consumer ads, a key factor in men using testosterone therapy on their own and facing fatal side effects.

          If you or a loved one have experienced a testosterone replacement therapy injury after undergoing low testosterone therapy, please contact our team of lawyers today for a free case evaluation at:

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            NOTE: Our team of attorneys will review potential cases for all fifty states, including Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin and Wyoming

            Testosterone Therapy Health Risk Eclipses Benefits

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            Testosterone Therapy: Health Risks Eclipse Benefits

            With mounting evidence suggesting serious health risks connected to testosterone therapy, doctors healthcare professionals have become cautious in suggesting Low T supplements to patients. Testosterone therapy use has almost quintupled in the last 11 years with over 5.5 million prescriptions and $2 billion in supplement sales. However, there is an increased risk of health disorders from the therapy. Recent studies have indicated that the use of Low T supplements without clinical diagnosis of testosterone deficiency may result in heart attack, stroke, or cardiovascular adverse events leading to death.

            Post-marketing reports suggest higher prostate-specific antigens, a leading cause of prostate cancer, among testosterone therapy patients. Abnormal increase in blood counts, clots, metabolic disorders, and a variety other health problems may cause Low T users to suffer more than they gain.

            According to Mayo Clinic experts, testosterone also leads to male breast abnormalities, dermatological disorders, and sleep apnea, which may worsen quality of life.

            Testosterone Therapy Side Effects

            • Wrongful Death: Low T supplements result in the onset and aggravation of existing heart disorders, which may cause testosterone death.
            • Cardiovascular Disorders:  Testosterone therapy may cause 30 percent greater risk of cardiovascular problems. Heart attack and stroke are most reported disorders connected to the treatment.
            • Blood Clots: Low T supplements have been linked to the heightened risk of clotting within arteries. It leads to thrombotic events that prevent blood circulation to heart, brain, and lungs.
            • Metabolic and Sleep Disorders: Reversing age-specific testosterone formation results in metabolic syndrome, sleep apnea, rise in cholesterol level, and diabetes, impacting the life quality of users.
            • Prostate Cancer: Researchers have discovered an increase in prostate-specific antigens caused by Low T supplements. It may result in prostate cancer.
            • Endocrine Disparity
            • Worsening kidney and liver problems

            FDA on Testosterone Therapy

            Testosterone supplements are recommended for medical conditions, such as hypogonadism. The manufacturer claims that these help prevent natural decline in the hormone level caused by age-related factors. The federal regulator also advises for adequate clinical testing prior to using Low T supplements to boost testosterone production. A boxed warning mandated by the FDA for AndroGel and Testim, two Low T supplements commonly used by people to stay young and improve health, cautions users against secondary exposure that may cause children and women to have fast and unusual psychological and sexual behavioral changes.

            Testosterone Therapy Lawsuits

            The recent researches highlighting heart disorders and death due to Low T supplements have resulted in a number of testosterone therapy lawsuits. A recent Wall Street Journal report, claiming an abrupt end of a testosterone trial by the National Institutes of Health in 2009 because of high rate of cardiovascular problems in patients, have added further support to the allegations by litigants.

            Anyone who has suffered from injuries following the use of Low T supplements can file a testosterone therapy lawsuit seeking product liability against the medication manufacturer.  Contact an experienced drug injury attorney to evaluate your claim.

            If you or a loved one have experienced a testosterone replacement therapy injury after undergoing low testosterone therapy, please contact our team of lawyers today for a free case evaluation at:

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              NOTE: Our team of attorneys will review potential cases for all fifty states, including Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin and Wyoming.

              CBS Reports Testosterone Therapy Can Cause Heart Attack, Stroke and Death

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              Dr. Jon Lapook of CBS News reviewed the recent JAMA article showing a 29% increased risk for men over 60 undergoing testosterone replacement therapy and suffering from a blood clot, stroke or other similar attack.  The video likewise contains the comments of Dr. Steve Missen of the Cleveland Clinic and Dr. Elizabeth Kavalere, a urologist.

              If you or a loved one have experienced a testosterone replacement therapy injury after undergoing low testosterone therapy, please contact our team of lawyers today for a free case evaluation at:

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                NOTE: Our team of attorneys will review potential cases for all fifty states, including Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin and Wyoming.