Mirena Injury Lawyer Notes Device May Be Hazardous to Women’s Health

mirena attorney


Our team of attorneys are now investigating claims and prepared to file Mirena lawsuitsinvolving the intrauterine contraceptive device Mirena®. Manufactured by Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Mirena is an IUD device [intrauterine device] that must be inserted by a trained health care provider and is intended to provide contraceptive protection for up to five years. Some women have experienced serious adverse side-effects and potentially life-threatening complications following the implantation of theMirena device, including perforation of or imbedment in the uterus.

What Makes Mirena IUD A Dangerous Contraceptive for Young Women

Mirena IUD, introduced as a safe contraceptive for all ages, may spell grave injuries and irreversible damages for young women. Hundreds of Mirena lawsuits filed in U.S. courts and over 70,000 adverse events reported to the FDA speak volumes about physical injuries, lifelong complications, pregnancy problems, vaginal inflammation and painful lifestyle resulting from IUD use. While device failure and ectopic pregnancy linked to the contraceptive have defeated the very purpose it is created for, the ability of Mirena IUD to migrate and perforate internal organs put users at the risk of hysterectomy, stomach excision, appendectomy, pelvic surgery, and even rare sternotomy.

How They Suffered: Mirena Lawsuit Plaintiffs

Young and attractive Kathy now in her late teens suffered from multiple complications attributed to the Mirena IUD she had. Her birth control plans with the contraceptive turned unpleasant when she was diagnosed with pelvic inflammatory diseases and ovarian cysts within a year of using the IUD. It became worse when she found that the Mirena contraceptive migrated from its place and ingrained in her uterus after damaging it and the fallopian tube. Kathy had to undergo hysterectomy and appendectomy as a result of these injuries and lost her ability to conceive following the uterus removal surgery.

According to a Mirena lawsuit filed by 26-year-old Mary, she underwent partial hysterectomy following pelvic inflammatory disease linked to the IUD. It also led to cancellation of her marriage. Another plaintiff, 23-year-old Jemma opted for Mirena IUD to prevent unwanted pregnancy soon after the birth of her daughter. However, she was diagnosed with ectopic pregnancy within months of using the contraceptive.

Mirena migration triggered an open-heart surgery, according to a claim filed by an Ohio woman. The displaced Mirena IUD found to be ingrained in her rib cage and sternotomy was the only option to remove the birth control device. A California woman in her 20s underwent multiple additional surgeries along with Mirena removal surgery to overcome pelvic and uterine complications caused by the floating IUD.

Young Women at Risk of Mirena Injuries

Mirena causes a number of side effect injuries that put young women at the risk of lifelong complications. The most common of these injuries include the following:

  • Mirena migration leading to device failure, uterus damage, pain and perforation of internal organs
  • Uterus perforation leading to hysterectomy, which ends the capability to conceive
  • Painful ovarian cysts attributed to levonorgestrel hormone in the IUD
  • Ectopic pregnancy defeating the very purpose of birth control
  • Irregular menstrual pattern accompanied by dysmenorrhea, spotting and bleeding
  • Uterus membrane perforation during the implant
  • Pelvic inflammation and injuries with abscesses caused by the displaced IUD
  • Surgical removal and additional surgeries to heal perforation caused by Mirena migration
  • Vaginal problems, including vaginitis, pain, and bleeding
  • Miscarriage and early labor pain in women using Mirena contraceptive IUD in the past
  • Hypertension leading to heart stroke
  • Respiratory problems and depression

Mirena Warning

According to the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons, Mirena IUD puts users at a higher risk of reproductive organ damages. This is in line with an FDA advisory issued in 2000 that Mirena IUD should not be recommended as a pregnancy prevention option for women yet to give birth to children. A survey report published on the Obstetrics & Gynecology journal in March 2012 also highlighted the issue. It showed that at least 30 percent of interviewed doctors recommended young women not to use Mirena who are yet to become mothers on the grounds of safety and associated injury concerns.

If you experienced adverse Mirena side effectsrequired surgery or have a loved one who suffered death following the implantation of Mirena, you may have a potential Mirena lawsuit.


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