Androderm Testosterone Lawsuit Filed Over Testosterone Blood Clot, Death

Testosterone lawsuits claim blood clots, heart attack, and stroke due to Low-T drug side effects.
Testosterone lawsuits claim blood clots, heart attack, and stroke due to Low-T drug side effects.


A testosterone lawsuit has been filed against manufacturers of Low-T Androderm patch following the death of a Virginia man. On June 19, the FDA ordered for fatal blood clots risk warnings on Androderm and other testosterone medications. The low testosterone therapy lawsuit came in the backdrop of regulatory review of testosterone heart attack risk to be held on September 17. Research studies have indicated enhanced risk of blood clots, pulmonary embolism, heart attack and stroke in men using Low-T drugs without proper diagnostic tests and following misleading marketing campaigns.

Testosterone Lawsuit Alleges Death

Thetestosterone therapy lawsuit filed in an Ohio court in the first week of August blames Androderm testosterone patch for the death of a Virginia man. Harris had no prior history of blood clots or cardiac complications, but developed blood clots in legs or deep vein thrombosis after using the testosterone patch and died in August 2012 after strokes, his family alleges.

In October 2011, Harris was diagnosed with blood clots attributed to the testosterone replacement supplement. According to the Androderm lawsuit, he took the Androderm testosterone patch between October 2005 and May 2012 with a six-month break in 2008.  He had the first stroke in June 2012 two months before his death.

The testosterone lawsuit claims that “aggressive marketing campaign by manufacturers encouraged men to discuss testosterone replacement therapy with their doctors and consumers and their physicians relied on manufacturers’ promises of safety, effectiveness and east of use.” A number of media and research reports have also blamed advertisements for influencing millions of men to use testosterone therapy without any real need and just to counter the natural effects of aging.

Testosterone Lawsuit: Blood Clot Side Effects

Blood clots are most common testosterone replacement therapy side effects and plaintiffs filing testosterone therapy lawsuits have also highlighted it while claiming heart attacks and strokes in users. The Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis journal reported research findings in August 2013 that warned of the potential risk of blood clots in users within a month of starting testosterone replacement therapy.

The development of testosterone blood clots can be explained from the following two angles.

  • Taking testosterone therapy results in polycythemia. A common side effect of testosterone medications, this blood disorder results in enhanced level of red blood cells in the body. This, in turn, thickens the blood, increases clumping, promotes red blood cell concentration, and slows down blood circulation pace. As a result blood clots are formed.
  • Testosterone medications, such as Androgel and Androderm patch, are known to augment thromboxane production in the body. The lipid substance encourages platelet aggregation resulting in blood clots.

Testosterone Replacement and Stroke, Heart Attack

Testosterone replacement therapy may result in 29 percent higher risk of heart attacks, claims the Journal of the American Medical Association. The research report published in November 2013 led to filing of dozens of testosterone lawsuits within a month. In January 2014, a PLOSOne journal report described a potential 36 percent increase in the risk with higher chances of fatalities for senior citizens. The FDA decision to evaluate the link between testosterone and heart attack risk within days of the report sparked off large number of litigations.

Blood clots created by testosterone medications blocks flow of blood oxygen from lungs to brain and heart causing ischemic or hemorrhagic events. According to the FDA advisory, deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism are likely side effects of testosterone replacement therapy. Blood clots occurring in legs travel upward and blocks blood vessels. Temporary blockages cause mini-strokes with temporary cognitive, vision, and speech impairments. However, strokes occurring for longer durations result in death of brain cells, permanent disability, or death.

Over 150 testosterone lawsuits have been filed until now seeking product liability Low-T drug manufacturers. Victims of wrongful death, heart attack, stroke, and other adverse health conditions caused testosterone replacement therapy have the right to seek compensation for economic and non-economic losses. To know about the process for filing testosterone lawsuit and pursue defective medical device product liability claims citing drug maker’s actions and inactions, please contact us or call on 1-800-632-1404.

To Contact a Testosterone Blood Clot Lawyer:

If you or a loved one have experienced a testosterone replacement therapy injury after undergoing low testosterone therapy, please contact our team of lawyers today for a free case evaluation at:

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