NuvaRing Side Effects and Analysis on Damages and Trials

NuvaRing Lawyer

NuvaRing Attorneys Report That Patients May Be Injured

NuvaRing Lawsuit: Surge in Litigations Alleging NuvaRing Blood Clot Side Effects

Rachel Lietzke Payne, now a 25-year-old Orlando resident, selected NuvaRing contraceptive device in 2008. She chose the once-a-month vaginal ring for birth control because it was convenient and easy to use compared to daily pills. In October 2010, she fell down while walking out of a restaurant and vomited chunks of blood. She was diagnosed with fatal blood clots in her lungs and remained hospitalized for 10 days treated with anticoagulants. Doctors found that her use of NuvaRing birth control had led to blood clots in her.

Rachel is one among over 1,100 women who have filed NuvaRing lawsuits against Merck in a Missouri federal court seeking product liability. The plaintiffs claim that manufacturer Merck did not disclose blood clotting risks posed by the hormonal contraceptive that led to their fatal conditions and hospitalization. NuvaRing side effects have been linked to blood clots in users that result in deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, heart stroke, and other injuries.

NuvaRing Blood Clot Side Effects

Merck began marketing NuvaRing in the United States in October 2001 following the FDA approval. The flexible plastic vaginal ring contains synthetic progestin etonogestrel and synthetic estrogen ethinylestradiol that are released daily to prevent ovulation. NuvaRing also makes changes in the cervical mucus that thwart sperms from penetrating. Each contraceptive ring lasts for three weeks with a one-week gap.

However, etonogestrel and ethinylestradiol in NuvaRing increase the risk of blood clot and venous thrombosis by 6.5 times. Etonogestrel, a third-generation progestin, contains desogestrel, a key element in causing blood clots. The hormones can prove fatal for those who smoke too often, or those who have undergone surgery recently, or those suffering from cardiovascular problems, or those with a family history of blood clotting.

An FDA-sponsored study published in 2011 warned that the third-generation progestin in NuvaRing hormonal contraceptive increases the risk of blood clots by 56 percent. Based on the medical data of 80,000 women who used levonorgestrel and progestin-based birth control options from 2001 to 2007, the study found the NuvaRing-type contraceptives pose a higher risk of blood clotting than the earlier ones. It warned of the risk of pulmonary embolism, stroke, and deep vein thrombosis in NuvaRing users following higher estrogen exposure.

The New England Journal of Medicine published a Danish research report in June 2012 that highlighted a high risk of venous thrombosis following blood clots in women using NuvaRing vaginal ring contraceptive. It also claimed that NuvaRing users face up to three times higher threat of myocardial infarction and ischemic stroke.

The most reported health problems caused by NuvaRing blood clotting side effects include,

  • Deep vein thrombosis
  • Pulmonary embolism
  • Myocardial infraction
  • Coronary artery blockage
  • Heart stroke because of blood supply blockage
  • Chest pain and palpitations
  • Hypertension

NuvaRing Lawsuits

About 1,100 NuvaRing lawsuits are centralized at an Eastern Missouri district court. Among state courts, about 200 litigations are pending trial in New Jersey. Bayer previously paid $216,000 as average compensation to plaintiffs who made similar complaints over its Yaz and Yasmin birth control drugs with third-generation progestin. The plaintiffs of NuvaRing lawsuits have alleged that the hormones in the vaginal contraceptive ring as well as its design are responsible for causing fatal blood clots. Direct delivery of third-generation progestin to blood results in “spikes” of hormones that put users at the greater risk of blood clotting.

According to a Nuvaring lawsuit filed by a South Carolina woman, the vaginal ring contraceptive caused her to be hospitalized for six days following the discovery of deep vein thrombosis in her leg. Another plaintiff from Texas met with similar fate within a month of using Nuvaring for birth control.

Side Effects

Some women who have had NuvaRing implanted experienced serious and even debilitating or life-threatening side-effects. Serious side effects that have been linked to NuvaRing include:

  • Blood clots
  • Cerebral thrombosis
  • Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
  • Heart attack or myocardial infarction (MI)
  • Pulmonary embolism
  • Retinal thrombosis
  • Stroke or cerebral hemorrhage
  • Thrombophlebitis and venous thrombosis with or without embolism
  • Toxic shock syndrome (TSS)

If you experienced adverse NuvaRing side effects or have a loved one who suffered injury following the implantation of NuvaRing, you may have a potential NuvaRing lawsuit.

More Information

Approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2001, NuvaRing is a non-biodegradable, latex-free, flexible vaginal ring containing a combination of the hormones estrogen (ethinyl estradiol) and progestin (etonogestrel). Etonogestrel is the active metabolite of desogestrel, a synthetic form of the naturally occurring female sex hormone progesterone. The NuvaRing contraceptive ring is designed to prevent pregnancy by releasing a steady dose of the hormone combination into the bloodstream through the vaginal walls over the course of 21 days. The hormones prevent ovulation, change the cervical mucus to prevent sperm penetration, and thin the lining of the uterus to, theoretically, prevent sperm implantation.

In October 2003, The New England Journal of Medicine addressed research suggesting that, when taken orally, desogestrel can significantly increase the risk of blood clots. If left untreated, such blood clots can develop into more serious conditions that may include stroke, heart attack, pulmonary embolism, or deep vein thrombosis. These findings, as well as those from other studies, were based upon analysis of the effect of oral contraceptives containing desogestrel.

A Swiss report was released in June 2010 which claimed there were approximately 40 deaths reported in the FDA database of adverse events associated with Nuvaring.   The current label and package insert for NuvaRing refers only to studies conducted on women using combination oral contraceptives and suggests that adverse reactions associated with the use of combination hormonal oral contraceptives are likely to apply to combination vaginal contraceptives like NuvaRing. The label, however, states that there is no available epidemiologic data to determine whether the safety and efficacy of vaginal administration of combination hormonal contraceptives differs from oral administration. To date, there is no comprehensive study of NuvaRing and the long-term health effects of its vaginally delivered combination.

Our team of attorneys are now investigating claims and prepared to file NuvaRing lawsuits involving the vaginal ring contraceptive medication NuvaRing®. NuvaRing is manufactured by New Jersey-based Organon USA, Inc., a company that Schering-Plough Corporation acquired in 2007, and has been linked to serious events such as blood clotspulmonary embolismstroke and heart attack.Call us today at 1-800-632-1404 for a FREE CONSULTATION.

No Recovery, No Fee

We take NuvaRing litigation cases on a contingency basis. That means that there is no cost to you unless we and our co-counsel are able to recover a settlement or judgment on your behalf. So, unless your case is resolved by trial, arbitration, settlement, or other resolution, you do not have to pay any attorney fees to us, or pay any costs. Litigation costs include filing fees, court reporter fees for deposition, copying costs, experts, and travel. Litigation costs are paid by our firm so you don’t have to have cash to pursue justice against medical device corporations.


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    NOTE: Our team of attorneys will review potential cases for all fifty states, including Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin and Wyoming.

    NuvaRing Lawyer Discusses October 2013 Trial

    NuvaRing Lawyer

    NuvaRing Attorneys Report That Patients May Be Injured

    NuvaRing Lawsuit: Federal Trial Set To Begin in October 2013

    The first federal trial of NuvaRing lawsuits is set to start on October 21, 2013. More than 1,100 NuvaRing birth control lawsuits have been centralized in the court of Judge Rodney W. Sipple of Missouri eastern district following the federal MDL panel decision. While a majority of lawsuits have been filed by women who experienced blood clot-related injuries, including deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, and stroke, a number of lawsuits seek claims under the Wrongful Death and Survival acts.

    The federal trial was expected to start July onward, three months after a New Jersey jury accepted the first NuvaRing lawsuit filed in the state. However, Judge Sipple, in his order in March 2013, delayed the bellwether trials until October without mentioning any reason for the same. The decision came after the court rejected an appeal by manufacturer Merck to exclude expert witness testimony during the trial.

    The bellwether trials are keenly expected by both litigants and lawyers as they will set the road map for product liability claims and jury response. These trials are also anticipated in the light of evidence and testimony to be presented, thus setting the tone of NuvaRing lawsuit settlements in the future. Bayer, the manufacturer of Yaz and Yasmin birth control pills that contain third-generation progestin similar to NuvaRing, has already paid $210,000 average compensation to settle hundreds of litigations.

    New Jersey Trial of NuvaRing Lawsuits

    The first NuvaRing lawsuit went into trial before a New Jersey jury in April 2013 and the court dismissed claims through a summary judgment. Seven of 200 NuvaRing lawsuits filed in the state court system were selected for the bellwether trial. Bergen County Judge Brian R. Martinotti ruled that there were no sufficient evidence linking blood clot-related injuries in plaintiffs with the contraceptive side effects. Erika Medina, one of the seven plaintiffs, was one of the first litigants to seek product liability against Merck for her blood clot-related injuries.

    However, the New Jersey jury decision in favor of Merck is not expected to impact the federal trials. The state has stringent requirements to establish product liability. Again the judgment inspires lawyers to collect and present more admissible evidence.

    Surge in NuvaRing Lawsuits

    Meanwhile, the number of NuvaRing lawsuits is going up as an increasing number of users who have had blood clot-related injuries are approaching personal injury lawyers. Five lawsuits have been filed in an Illinois court last month, alleging failure of Merck to inform users of potential blood clot-related injuries linked to NuvaRing side effects caused them serious losses. One of the litigants claimed that his wife died due to pulmonary embolism, while others assert that they suffered from life-threatening complications following NuvaRing-induced thromboembolic events.

    According to plaintiffs, Merck did not test the product adequately as both its ingredients and design put users at risk. While third-generation progestin is 6.5 times more powerful to cause blood clots, the contraceptive releasing the synthetic hormone directly to the blood aggravates the risk.

    In 2002, two studies by European and U.S. scholars warned of high NuvaRing rejection rate because of the contraceptive side effects. A Dutch study reported in 2006 supported similar claims. An FDA-sponsored study released in 2011 put the risk of blood clot-related injuries 56 percent higher compared to first and second generation progestin contraceptives.

    Side Effects

    Some women who have had NuvaRing implanted experienced serious and even debilitating or life-threatening side-effects. Serious side effects that have been linked to NuvaRing include:

    • Blood clots
    • Cerebral thrombosis
    • Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
    • Heart attack or myocardial infarction (MI)
    • Pulmonary embolism
    • Retinal thrombosis
    • Stroke or cerebral hemorrhage
    • Thrombophlebitis and venous thrombosis with or without embolism
    • Toxic shock syndrome (TSS)

    If you experienced adverse NuvaRing side effects or have a loved one who suffered injury following the implantation of NuvaRing, you may have a potential NuvaRing lawsuit.

    More Information

    Approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2001, NuvaRing is a non-biodegradable, latex-free, flexible vaginal ring containing a combination of the hormones estrogen (ethinyl estradiol) and progestin (etonogestrel). Etonogestrel is the active metabolite of desogestrel, a synthetic form of the naturally occurring female sex hormone progesterone. The NuvaRing contraceptive ring is designed to prevent pregnancy by releasing a steady dose of the hormone combination into the bloodstream through the vaginal walls over the course of 21 days. The hormones prevent ovulation, change the cervical mucus to prevent sperm penetration, and thin the lining of the uterus to, theoretically, prevent sperm implantation.

    In October 2003, The New England Journal of Medicine addressed research suggesting that, when taken orally, desogestrel can significantly increase the risk of blood clots. If left untreated, such blood clots can develop into more serious conditions that may include stroke, heart attack, pulmonary embolism, or deep vein thrombosis. These findings, as well as those from other studies, were based upon analysis of the effect of oral contraceptives containing desogestrel.

    A Swiss report was released in June 2010 which claimed there were approximately 40 deaths reported in the FDA database of adverse events associated with Nuvaring.   The current label and package insert for NuvaRing refers only to studies conducted on women using combination oral contraceptives and suggests that adverse reactions associated with the use of combination hormonal oral contraceptives are likely to apply to combination vaginal contraceptives like NuvaRing. The label, however, states that there is no available epidemiologic data to determine whether the safety and efficacy of vaginal administration of combination hormonal contraceptives differs from oral administration. To date, there is no comprehensive study of NuvaRing and the long-term health effects of its vaginally delivered combination.

    Our team of attorneys are now investigating claims and prepared to file NuvaRing lawsuits involving the vaginal ring contraceptive medication NuvaRing®. NuvaRing is manufactured by New Jersey-based Organon USA, Inc., a company that Schering-Plough Corporation acquired in 2007, and has been linked to serious events such as blood clotspulmonary embolismstroke and heart attack.Call us today at 1-800-632-1404 for a FREE CONSULTATION.

    No Recovery, No Fee

    We take NuvaRing litigation cases on a contingency basis. That means that there is no cost to you unless we and our co-counsel are able to recover a settlement or judgment on your behalf. So, unless your case is resolved by trial, arbitration, settlement, or other resolution, you do not have to pay any attorney fees to us, or pay any costs. Litigation costs include filing fees, court reporter fees for deposition, copying costs, experts, and travel. Litigation costs are paid by our firm so you don’t have to have cash to pursue justice against medical device corporations.


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      NOTE: Our team of attorneys will review potential cases for all fifty states, including Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin and Wyoming.

      NuvaRing Lawyer Reports that Device May Cause Pulmonary Embolism

      NuvaRing Lawyer

      NuvaRing Attorneys Report That Patients May Be Injured

      NuvaRing Birth Control Puts Users at Risk of Pulmonary Embolism

      Williamson County resident Robert Howell has filed a NuvaRing lawsuit in an Illinois south district federal court, holding the contraceptive responsible for the death of his wife. Thirty-one-year-old Erin died in July 2011 following a massive heart stroke. Doctors discovered that pulmonary embolism caused by NuvaRing blocked blood and oxygen flow to her heart and lungs. Robert has sought compensatory and punitive damages for economic losses, loss of spouse, and emotional grief under the Wrongful Death and Survival laws. His NuvaRing lawsuit also presses for strict product liability, breach of warranty, and negligence on the part of Bayer, the manufacturer of the birth control ring.

      The litigation is one of 1,500 NuvaRing lawsuits that claim pulmonary embolism, heart stroke, and other injuries are caused by blood clotting induced by the third-generation progestin in the contraceptive. In February, a group of 30 women initiated NuvaRing lawsuits against Bayer claiming death, pulmonary embolism, and other severe complications following their use of the vaginal ring. A lawsuit filed in a Western Oklahoma district court a few weeks back claims that NuvaRing led her to suffer from bilateral pulmonary emboli. The blood clots moved up and choked supply vessels connecting her lungs. She recovered following hospitalization and treatment with blood thinners.

      NuvaRing Side Effects: Pulmonary Embolism

      Pulmonary embolism is caused when the artery supplying blood to the lungs is blocked. NuvaRing contains etonogestrel, a third-generation progestin hormone. It aids in metabolism of desogestrel, which is responsible for creating blood clots in human body. Those using NuvaRing birth control are at a greater risk of venous thrombosis. Blood occlusion caused by third-generation progestin in NuvaRing in leg veins gradually moves upward. These clots travel to lungs through the bloodstream and choke the arteries supplying blood to the heart.

      Patients suffering from pulmonary embolism experience chest pain, palpitation, rapid heart rate, and breathing difficulty due to low blood oxygen level. Patients may faint due to abnormally low blood pressure and die suddenly.

      NuvaRing Studies on Pulmonary Embolism Side Effects

      In 2011, a research report supported by the FDA warned of blood clots and potential risk of pulmonary embolism in NuvaRing users. Researchers examined over 80,000 women on birth control contraceptives and found that those on NuvaRing are 56 percent more susceptible to blood clotting. The report claimed that first and second generation progestin-based contraceptives contribute to a mild risk of blood clotting while in case of NuvaRing and other third generation progestin-based birth control it is significantly higher. It also warned about deep vein thrombosis, stroke, and pulmonary embolism in women using NuvaRing.

      In 2012, Danish research findings published in both the New England Journal of Medicine and the British Medical Journal also expressed fear over the potential risk of pulmonary embolism caused by NuvaRing. According to the study, hormonal contraceptives using third generation progestin could lead to 6.5 times greater risk of venous thrombosis, a key condition that causes pulmonary embolism. It found NuvaRing to be two-to-three times dangerous than single-hormone contraceptives causing ischemic stroke and cardiovascular problems.

      Side Effects

      Some women who have had NuvaRing implanted experienced serious and even debilitating or life-threatening side-effects. Serious side effects that have been linked to NuvaRing include:

      • Blood clots
      • Cerebral thrombosis
      • Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
      • Heart attack or myocardial infarction (MI)
      • Pulmonary embolism
      • Retinal thrombosis
      • Stroke or cerebral hemorrhage
      • Thrombophlebitis and venous thrombosis with or without embolism
      • Toxic shock syndrome (TSS)

      If you experienced adverse NuvaRing side effects or have a loved one who suffered injury following the implantation of NuvaRing, you may have a potential NuvaRing lawsuit.

      More Information

      Approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2001, NuvaRing is a non-biodegradable, latex-free, flexible vaginal ring containing a combination of the hormones estrogen (ethinyl estradiol) and progestin (etonogestrel). Etonogestrel is the active metabolite of desogestrel, a synthetic form of the naturally occurring female sex hormone progesterone. The NuvaRing contraceptive ring is designed to prevent pregnancy by releasing a steady dose of the hormone combination into the bloodstream through the vaginal walls over the course of 21 days. The hormones prevent ovulation, change the cervical mucus to prevent sperm penetration, and thin the lining of the uterus to, theoretically, prevent sperm implantation.

      In October 2003, The New England Journal of Medicine addressed research suggesting that, when taken orally, desogestrel can significantly increase the risk of blood clots. If left untreated, such blood clots can develop into more serious conditions that may include stroke, heart attack, pulmonary embolism, or deep vein thrombosis. These findings, as well as those from other studies, were based upon analysis of the effect of oral contraceptives containing desogestrel.

      A Swiss report was released in June 2010 which claimed there were approximately 40 deaths reported in the FDA database of adverse events associated with Nuvaring.   The current label and package insert for NuvaRing refers only to studies conducted on women using combination oral contraceptives and suggests that adverse reactions associated with the use of combination hormonal oral contraceptives are likely to apply to combination vaginal contraceptives like NuvaRing. The label, however, states that there is no available epidemiologic data to determine whether the safety and efficacy of vaginal administration of combination hormonal contraceptives differs from oral administration. To date, there is no comprehensive study of NuvaRing and the long-term health effects of its vaginally delivered combination.

      Our team of attorneys are now investigating claims and prepared to file NuvaRing lawsuits involving the vaginal ring contraceptive medication NuvaRing®. NuvaRing is manufactured by New Jersey-based Organon USA, Inc., a company that Schering-Plough Corporation acquired in 2007, and has been linked to serious events such as blood clotspulmonary embolismstroke and heart attack.Call us today at 1-800-632-1404 for a FREE CONSULTATION.

      No Recovery, No Fee

      We take NuvaRing litigation cases on a contingency basis. That means that there is no cost to you unless we and our co-counsel are able to recover a settlement or judgment on your behalf. So, unless your case is resolved by trial, arbitration, settlement, or other resolution, you do not have to pay any attorney fees to us, or pay any costs. Litigation costs include filing fees, court reporter fees for deposition, copying costs, experts, and travel. Litigation costs are paid by our firm so you don’t have to have cash to pursue justice against medical device corporations.

      About us

      Our team of attorneys have been retained by clients across the world as to allegedly defective and improperly designed medical devices and prescription drugs.  In fact, our team of attorneys has represented patients around the globe for the allegedly defective Advanced Bionics HiRes90k cochlear implant device and other medical devices including the DePuy hip implant, the Mirena IUD and the transvaginal mesh and transvaginal sling devices including from C.R. Bard, AMS, Boston Scientific and Johnson & Johnson’s Ethicon.

      As a NuvaRing attorney, we will investigate your claim and with our co-counsel we stand ready to push your case ahead.


      CALL TOLL FREE: (800) 632-1404

      EMAIL: clicking here.


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        NOTE: Our team of attorneys will review potential cases for all fifty states, including Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin and Wyoming.

        NuvaRing Lawyer Discusses Stroke and Other Risks

        NuvaRing Lawyer

        NuvaRing Attorneys Report That Patients May Be Injured

        NuvaRing Birth Control Enhances Stroke Risk, Cardiovascular Problems

        Thousands of women have reportedly suffered from heart attacks, strokes, and fatalities as a result of side effects of NuvaRing birth control device. The venous thromboembolic events caused by blood clots attributed to the hormonal contraceptive adverse events result in pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis, leading to hospitalization, long-term treatment, or death. More than 1,500 NuvaRing lawsuits seeking compensatory and punitive damages await trial in various state and federal courts. The number of product liability litigants is set to rise, as more people are consulting lawyers to initiate litigations against manufacturer Merck for endangering their health for commercial gains.

        NuvaRing Cardiovascular Risks

        Third generation hormonal contraceptive NuvaRing contains progestin along with etonogestrel, which is an active substance derived from prodrug desogestrel. Researchers have discovered that desogestrel can double the risk of blood clots. Known as venous thrombosis in medical annals, these clots often travel from legs to other parts of the body and block blood vessels. People with thromboembolic events are at a greater risk of strokes, breathing difficulty due to lung artery block, visionary problems caused by eye artery blockages, and other complications.

        The most reported cardiovascular risks caused by NuvaRing blood clot side effects include:

        Death because of prolonged stroke or mayocardial infraction.

        Heart attack or mayocardial infraction following blockage of blood supply to the heart. Blood clots interrupt or prevent blood supply to heart muscle and cells, which leads to their death and hinders functioning of the heart.

        Heightened ischemic events results in restricted blood supply caused by occlusion of coronary artery. This creates oxygen shortage, leading to near fatal conditions.

        Stroke occurs when blood clots block vessels carrying blood and oxygen from heart to brain. A medical emergency, it can lead to sudden death.

        Pulmonary embolism caused by the blockage of artery supplying blood to the lung. Blood clots caused by NuvaRing side effects in the legs often break off and reach the lung and choke the blood and oxygen supply. Chest pain and palpitations are prominent symptoms.

        Deep vein thrombosis or blood clots in the deep vein of the legs are the most frequent NuvaRing side effect. These clots often migrate to different areas and create arterial blockages.

        NuvaRing Heart Attack, Stroke Studies

        • In October 2011, a research report endorsed and made public by the FDA cautioned about the higher possibility of heart attacks and strokes because of “third generation” progestin hormone used in NuvaRing. Researchers went through more than 800,000 medical records of women and discovered that the contraceptive vaginal ring poses 56 percent higher chances of blood clotting and consequent venous thromboembolic events, including stroke and heart attack.
        • According to Danish researchers working on the efficacy of NuvaRing and similar hormonal contraceptives, women using NuvaRing are two to six times more prone to ischemic events and myocardial infarction. Published in the British Medical Journal in May 2012, the findings derived from the study of more than 1.5 million medical records showed that incidences of thrombosis, stroke, and heart attack are 6.5 times higher for those using NuvaRing compared to other contraceptive users. When compared to single-hormone contraceptives, NuvaRing enhances the risks by two to three times.

        Side Effects

        Some women who have had NuvaRing implanted experienced serious and even debilitating or life-threatening side-effects. Serious side effects that have been linked to NuvaRing include:

        • Blood clots
        • Cerebral thrombosis
        • Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
        • Heart attack or myocardial infarction (MI)
        • Pulmonary embolism
        • Retinal thrombosis
        • Stroke or cerebral hemorrhage
        • Thrombophlebitis and venous thrombosis with or without embolism
        • Toxic shock syndrome (TSS)

        If you experienced adverse NuvaRing side effects or have a loved one who suffered injury following the implantation of NuvaRing, you may have a potential NuvaRing lawsuit.

        More Information

        Approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2001, NuvaRing is a non-biodegradable, latex-free, flexible vaginal ring containing a combination of the hormones estrogen (ethinyl estradiol) and progestin (etonogestrel). Etonogestrel is the active metabolite of desogestrel, a synthetic form of the naturally occurring female sex hormone progesterone. The NuvaRing contraceptive ring is designed to prevent pregnancy by releasing a steady dose of the hormone combination into the bloodstream through the vaginal walls over the course of 21 days. The hormones prevent ovulation, change the cervical mucus to prevent sperm penetration, and thin the lining of the uterus to, theoretically, prevent sperm implantation.

        In October 2003, The New England Journal of Medicine addressed research suggesting that, when taken orally, desogestrel can significantly increase the risk of blood clots. If left untreated, such blood clots can develop into more serious conditions that may include stroke, heart attack, pulmonary embolism, or deep vein thrombosis. These findings, as well as those from other studies, were based upon analysis of the effect of oral contraceptives containing desogestrel.

        A Swiss report was released in June 2010 which claimed there were approximately 40 deaths reported in the FDA database of adverse events associated with Nuvaring.   The current label and package insert for NuvaRing refers only to studies conducted on women using combination oral contraceptives and suggests that adverse reactions associated with the use of combination hormonal oral contraceptives are likely to apply to combination vaginal contraceptives like NuvaRing. The label, however, states that there is no available epidemiologic data to determine whether the safety and efficacy of vaginal administration of combination hormonal contraceptives differs from oral administration. To date, there is no comprehensive study of NuvaRing and the long-term health effects of its vaginally delivered combination.

        Our team of attorneys are now investigating claims and prepared to file NuvaRing lawsuits involving the vaginal ring contraceptive medication NuvaRing®. NuvaRing is manufactured by New Jersey-based Organon USA, Inc., a company that Schering-Plough Corporation acquired in 2007, and has been linked to serious events such as blood clots, pulmonary embolism, stroke and heart attack.Call us today at 1-800-632-1404 for a FREE CONSULTATION.

        No Recovery, No Fee

        We take NuvaRing litigation cases on a contingency basis. That means that there is no cost to you unless we and our co-counsel are able to recover a settlement or judgment on your behalf. So, unless your case is resolved by trial, arbitration, settlement, or other resolution, you do not have to pay any attorney fees to us, or pay any costs. Litigation costs include filing fees, court reporter fees for deposition, copying costs, experts, and travel. Litigation costs are paid by our firm so you don’t have to have cash to pursue justice against medical device corporations.

        About us

        Our team of attorneys have been retained by clients across the world as to allegedly defective and improperly designed medical devices and prescription drugs.  In fact, our team of attorneys has represented patients around the globe for the allegedly defective Advanced Bionics HiRes90k cochlear implant device and other medical devices including the DePuy hip implant, the Mirena IUD and the transvaginal mesh and transvaginal sling devices including from C.R. Bard, AMS, Boston Scientific and Johnson & Johnson’s Ethicon.

        As a NuvaRing attorney, we will investigate your claim and with our co-counsel we stand ready to push your case ahead.


        CALL TOLL FREE: (800) 632-1404

        EMAIL: clicking here.


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          Case Details


          NOTE: Our team of attorneys will review potential cases for all fifty states, including Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin and Wyoming.

          NuvaRing Lawyer Reports on Case Decisions As To Experts

          NuvaRing Lawyer

          NuvaRing Attorneys Report That Patients May Be Injured

          As attorneys who are providing free nationwide case evaluations to women or their loved ones who have experienced injuries while using the NuvuRing product, we thought it worthwhile to advise about an order from the Judge in the multi-district litigation on one of plaintiff’s experts.

          The Judge overseeing the federal NuvaRing multi-district litigation granted Organon’s USA, Inc.’s motion to exclude plaintiff’s expert that NuvaRing and other combined hormonal contraceptives containing third generation progestin should be taken off the market.  The court held that such testimony is not based upon a sound methodology.

          NuvaRing is made by Organon and is a combined hormonal contraceptive that releases hormones over the course of treatment.  Plaintiffs claim that the third generation progestin used in NuvaRing has been linked to undisclosed higher risk for deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism.  Plaintiffs have asserted claims for strict liability, including defective manufacturing, defective design, failure to test and inadequate warnings.  Plaintiffs have likewise brought claims for breach of express warranty, breach of implied warranty and negligence.

          The particular expert in question is Dr. Scott Roseff, who opined that the NuvaRing should be removed from the market.  Roseff testified that the risks presented by the NuvaRing are so great that the entire generation of contraceptives should be removed from the marketplace.  Organon asserted in their motion that this testimony was unreliable and should be excluded at trial.  The judge agreed and will not allow this particular form of expert testimony.

          It is worth noting that the particular ruling by the court as it to this particular expert does not change the fact that the same court has allowed the plaintiffs to put forward a host of other expert opinions, all of which will be admissible to show that the product can cause harm to patients.

          If you or a loved one has been injured by the NuvaRing product including because of suffering from deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism, please contact us immediately.

          Side Effects

          Some women who have had NuvaRing implanted experienced serious and even debilitating or life-threatening side-effects. Serious side effects that have been linked to NuvaRing include:

          • Blood clots
          • Cerebral thrombosis
          • Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
          • Heart attack or myocardial infarction (MI)
          • Pulmonary embolism
          • Retinal thrombosis
          • Stroke or cerebral hemorrhage
          • Thrombophlebitis and venous thrombosis with or without embolism
          • Toxic shock syndrome (TSS)

          If you experienced adverse NuvaRing side effects or have a loved one who suffered injury following the implantation of NuvaRing, you may have a potential NuvaRing lawsuit.

          More Information

          Approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2001, NuvaRing is a non-biodegradable, latex-free, flexible vaginal ring containing a combination of the hormones estrogen (ethinyl estradiol) and progestin (etonogestrel). Etonogestrel is the active metabolite of desogestrel, a synthetic form of the naturally occurring female sex hormone progesterone. The NuvaRing contraceptive ring is designed to prevent pregnancy by releasing a steady dose of the hormone combination into the bloodstream through the vaginal walls over the course of 21 days. The hormones prevent ovulation, change the cervical mucus to prevent sperm penetration, and thin the lining of the uterus to, theoretically, prevent sperm implantation.

          In October 2003, The New England Journal of Medicine addressed research suggesting that, when taken orally, desogestrel can significantly increase the risk of blood clots. If left untreated, such blood clots can develop into more serious conditions that may include stroke, heart attack, pulmonary embolism, or deep vein thrombosis. These findings, as well as those from other studies, were based upon analysis of the effect of oral contraceptives containing desogestrel.

          A Swiss report was released in June 2010 which claimed there were approximately 40 deaths reported in the FDA database of adverse events associated with Nuvaring.   The current label and package insert for NuvaRing refers only to studies conducted on women using combination oral contraceptives and suggests that adverse reactions associated with the use of combination hormonal oral contraceptives are likely to apply to combination vaginal contraceptives like NuvaRing. The label, however, states that there is no available epidemiologic data to determine whether the safety and efficacy of vaginal administration of combination hormonal contraceptives differs from oral administration. To date, there is no comprehensive study of NuvaRing and the long-term health effects of its vaginally delivered combination.

          Our team of attorneys are now investigating claims and prepared to file NuvaRing lawsuits involving the vaginal ring contraceptive medication NuvaRing®. NuvaRing is manufactured by New Jersey-based Organon USA, Inc., a company that Schering-Plough Corporation acquired in 2007, and has been linked to serious events such as blood clotspulmonary embolismstroke and heart attack.Call us today at 1-800-632-1404 for a FREE CONSULTATION.

          No Recovery, No Fee

          We take NuvaRing litigation cases on a contingency basis. That means that there is no cost to you unless we and our co-counsel are able to recover a settlement or judgment on your behalf. So, unless your case is resolved by trial, arbitration, settlement, or other resolution, you do not have to pay any attorney fees to us, or pay any costs. Litigation costs include filing fees, court reporter fees for deposition, copying costs, experts, and travel. Litigation costs are paid by our firm so you don’t have to have cash to pursue justice against medical device corporations.

          About us

          Our team of attorneys have been retained by clients across the world as to allegedly defective and improperly designed medical devices and prescription drugs.  In fact, our team of attorneys has represented patients around the globe for the allegedly defective Advanced Bionics HiRes90k cochlear implant device and other medical devices including the DePuy hip implant, the Mirena IUD and the transvaginal mesh and transvaginal sling devices including from C.R. Bard, AMS, Boston Scientific and Johnson & Johnson’s Ethicon.

          As a NuvaRing attorney, we will investigate your claim and with our co-counsel we stand ready to push your case ahead.


          CALL TOLL FREE: (800) 632-1404

          EMAIL: clicking here.


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            Case Details


            NOTE: Our team of attorneys will review potential cases for all fifty states, including Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin and Wyoming.

            NuvaRing Lawyer Reports on Injuries

            NuvaRing Lawyer

            NuvaRing Attorneys Report That Patients May Be Injured

            A federal judge overseeing the NuvaRing multi-district litigation in the Eastern District of Missouri is allowing plaintiff’s experts to testify on alleged “bursts” or “high variability” in the Organon contraceptive device’s estrogen delivery, finding that this testimony is relevant and appropriate for the jury.  The decision comes from Judge Rodney W. Sippel of the United States District for the Eastern District of Missouri.

            NuvaRing is manufactured by Organon and is a combined hormonal contraceptive that releases hormones over the course of treatment.  CHC is contained in estrogen, typically ethanol and estradill and a progestin.  The plaintiffs in the claims against NuvaRing filed in the MDL claim that the third generation progestin used in NuvaRing, etonogestrel has been linked to undisclosed higher risk for venous thromboembolism including deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism.

            It is worth mentioning at this point in time that if you or a loved one was implanted with the NuvaRing device and have experienced deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism, please contact us immediately at 1-800-632-1404 today.

            Plaintiffs in the cases filed in the MDL have alleged a number of claims against NuvaRing and Organon including strict products liability, defective manufacturing, defective design, failure to test and inadequate warnings, breach of express warranty, breach of implied warranty, and negligence.

            The court has recently ruled that plaintiffs may present expert testimony at trial that NuvaRing presents an increased risk for DTE when compared with second generation CHC use.  Plaintiff’s experts opine that this increased risk results from the reduced ability of etonogestrel to counter-balance the prothrombotic (blood clotting) effects of the estrogen component.

            Not surprising, Organon through its counsel moved to exclude all testimony related to these “bursts” or “high variability” in NuvuRing’s estrogen delivery on the basis that none of the plaintiff’s experts were qualified to provide such an opinion.  The court did not agree.  “Rather than addressing the qualifications of any particular expert in depth, Organon offers a few testimonial statements stripped of all contexts,” the court observed.  “Organon appears to be operating under the assumption that a meticulous and particularized review of the expert’s opinions is unnecessary for each expert’s opinions shares a critical flaw.  Unfortunately, Organon has neglected to set forth the precise opinions that are now under attack.  Instead, Organon asked that [the court] exclude all testimony touching estrogen “bursts” or “variability.”  “Organon’s arguments are cursory at best and in many cases rely on the testimony of one expert to attribute a deficiency to the methods of the remaining experts.”

            Based upon this decision, the plaintiffs will be allowed to present a number of opinions at trial that the NuvaRing device is defective, improperly tested and that there were improper warnings presented to patients across the United States.  The court found support within the scientific literature to support the decision to allow plaintiff’s experts to proceed ahead at trial.  The court found the opinions to be based on reliable methodology.  The court noted that the testimony will be helpful for the jury.

            Side Effects

            Some women who have had NuvaRing implanted experienced serious and even debilitating or life-threatening side-effects. Serious side effects that have been linked to NuvaRing include:

            • Blood clots
            • Cerebral thrombosis
            • Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
            • Heart attack or myocardial infarction (MI)
            • Pulmonary embolism
            • Retinal thrombosis
            • Stroke or cerebral hemorrhage
            • Thrombophlebitis and venous thrombosis with or without embolism
            • Toxic shock syndrome (TSS)

            If you experienced adverse NuvaRing side effects or have a loved one who suffered injury following the implantation of NuvaRing, you may have a potential NuvaRing lawsuit.

            More Information

            Approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2001, NuvaRing is a non-biodegradable, latex-free, flexible vaginal ring containing a combination of the hormones estrogen (ethinyl estradiol) and progestin (etonogestrel). Etonogestrel is the active metabolite of desogestrel, a synthetic form of the naturally occurring female sex hormone progesterone. The NuvaRing contraceptive ring is designed to prevent pregnancy by releasing a steady dose of the hormone combination into the bloodstream through the vaginal walls over the course of 21 days. The hormones prevent ovulation, change the cervical mucus to prevent sperm penetration, and thin the lining of the uterus to, theoretically, prevent sperm implantation.

            In October 2003, The New England Journal of Medicine addressed research suggesting that, when taken orally, desogestrel can significantly increase the risk of blood clots. If left untreated, such blood clots can develop into more serious conditions that may include stroke, heart attack, pulmonary embolism, or deep vein thrombosis. These findings, as well as those from other studies, were based upon analysis of the effect of oral contraceptives containing desogestrel.

            A Swiss report was released in June 2010 which claimed there were approximately 40 deaths reported in the FDA database of adverse events associated with Nuvaring.   The current label and package insert for NuvaRing refers only to studies conducted on women using combination oral contraceptives and suggests that adverse reactions associated with the use of combination hormonal oral contraceptives are likely to apply to combination vaginal contraceptives like NuvaRing. The label, however, states that there is no available epidemiologic data to determine whether the safety and efficacy of vaginal administration of combination hormonal contraceptives differs from oral administration. To date, there is no comprehensive study of NuvaRing and the long-term health effects of its vaginally delivered combination.

            Our team of attorneys are now investigating claims and prepared to file NuvaRing lawsuits involving the vaginal ring contraceptive medication NuvaRing®. NuvaRing is manufactured by New Jersey-based Organon USA, Inc., a company that Schering-Plough Corporation acquired in 2007, and has been linked to serious events such as blood clotspulmonary embolismstroke and heart attack.Call us today at 1-800-632-1404 for a FREE CONSULTATION.

            No Recovery, No Fee

            We take NuvaRing litigation cases on a contingency basis. That means that there is no cost to you unless we and our co-counsel are able to recover a settlement or judgment on your behalf. So, unless your case is resolved by trial, arbitration, settlement, or other resolution, you do not have to pay any attorney fees to us, or pay any costs. Litigation costs include filing fees, court reporter fees for deposition, copying costs, experts, and travel. Litigation costs are paid by our firm so you don’t have to have cash to pursue justice against medical device corporations.

            About us

            Our team of attorneys have been retained by clients across the world as to allegedly defective and improperly designed medical devices and prescription drugs.  In fact, our team of attorneys has represented patients around the globe for the allegedly defective Advanced Bionics HiRes90k cochlear implant device and other medical devices including the DePuy hip implant, the Mirena IUD and the transvaginal mesh and transvaginal sling devices including from C.R. Bard, AMS, Boston Scientific and Johnson & Johnson’s Ethicon.

            As a NuvaRing attorney, we will investigate your claim and with our co-counsel we stand ready to push your case ahead.


            CALL TOLL FREE: (800) 632-1404

            EMAIL: clicking here.


              Your Name (required)

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              Case Details


              NOTE: Our team of attorneys will review potential cases for all fifty states, including Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin and Wyoming.

              NuvaRing Attorney Reports on NuvaRing Injuries Possibly Caused by NuvaRing Side Effects

              NuvaRing Lawyer

              NuvaRing Attorneys Report That Patients May Be Injured

              NuvaRing Birth Control: Important Side Effects

              A 26-year-old woman from Iowa has filed a product liability lawsuit against Merck, claiming that she suffered a heart stoke within a month of using NuvaRing vaginal ring contraceptive. Sherri Howell experienced palpitation, chest pain, and breathing difficulty that resulted in pulmonary embolism. Following her six-month hospitalization and treatment, doctors found migration of blood clots attributed to NuvaRing hormonal contraceptive created blockage in her lungs. In March 2008, husband of a New Jersey resident sued Merck for the wrongful death of his wife. The victim died of heart stroke caused by NuvaRing-induced deep vein thrombosis and consequent pulmonary embolism.

              NuvaRing Birth Control: Contraceptive or Fatal Side Effects?

              NuvaRing is a ring-shaped hormonal contraceptive that is inserted into the vagina. A flexible plastic device, it comprises two hormones, progestin and estrogen, that prevents ovulation and sperm penetration. There is no need to visit doctors for NuvaRing insertion, and once inserted, the vaginal ring lasts for three weeks. The FDA approved NuvaRing in October 2001, and the manufacturer started marketing it nine months later.

              A number of research studies as well as post-marketing surveys have highlighted wrongful death, fatal cardiovascular problems, blood clots, venous thromboembolic events, sexual problems, and a host of other complications linked to NuvaRing side effects. The third generation progestin in NuvaRing can double the risk of heart stroke while its sexual side effects have forced many to discard its use in favor of other birth control options.

              NuvaRing Side Effects Studies

              • Within a year of its approval, NuvaRing birth control ring came under intense scrutiny. Two independent studies, one by U.S. researchers and the other one by European scholars found a significantly high rate of NuvaRing rejection among users. More than 15 percent of users discarded the contraceptive as they experienced sexual problems, emotional liability, headache, vaginitis, foreign object sensation, bleeding irregularities, and upper respiratory tract infection. In 2006, a Dutch study confirmed similar premature discontinuation following NuvaRing side effects.
              • The findings of a federal-sponsored study released by the FDA in October 2011 linked NuvaRing hormonal contraceptive to high risk of blood clots. Researchers discovered that “third generation” progestin, the key element of NuvaRing, has 56 percent higher potential to cause blood clots than other type of hormonal birth control devices. The study warned of heart attacks and strokes caused by the contraceptive.
              • Two reports published in the British Medical Journal and the New England Journal of Medicine in May and June 2012 claimed that NuvaRing side effects put users at a greater risk of strokes. According to the study that looked into the medical history of 1.5 million women, NuvaRing contraceptive may enhance the risk of ischemic stroke and myocardial infarction by two to three times considering single-hormone contraceptives. When compared with other non-hormone contraceptives, it was found to be 6.5 times more dangerous to induce venous thrombosis.

              NuvaRing Side effects

              • Blood Clotting: Third generation progestin used in NuvaRing effects changes that lead to blood clots. These clots formed in the leg can travel to other parts and create blood vessel blockages that result in strokes, vision problems, and other complications. Many users had to undergo elective surgery because of blood clots caused by NuvaRing.
              • Heart Strokes: NuvaRing-induced blood clots cause arterial blockages that manifested in heart strokes and other cardiovascular adverse events. The contraceptive carries a boxed warning, and can double the chance of pulmonary embolism.
              • Breast Cancer: NuvaRing users face a high threat of breast enlargement, tenderness, and cancer. Those treated for breast cancer or those who have recovered from it are at an increased risk of developing hormone-sensitive tumors.
              • High Blood Pressure: NuvaRing hormonal contraceptive increases blood pressure, blood sugar, triglycerides, and cholesterol.
              • Gallbladder disease
              • Liver tumors
              • Lipid metabolism and pancreas inflammation
              • Vaginal infections
              • Weight gain
              • Skin problems
              • Headache, depression, and nervousness

              Nuvaring Lawsuits

              Over NuvaRing 1,500 lawsuits are awaiting trial in the United States, alleging that the manufacturer knowingly concealed information on NuvaRing side effects that led to deaths and injuries to users. The MDL panel has consolidated all federal NuvaRing lawsuits at a Missouri eastern district court while more than 200 litigations are awaiting trial in Bergen County court of New Jersey.


              Side Effects

              Some women who have had NuvaRing implanted experienced serious and even debilitating or life-threatening side-effects. Serious side effects that have been linked to NuvaRing include:

              • Blood clots
              • Cerebral thrombosis
              • Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
              • Heart attack or myocardial infarction (MI)
              • Pulmonary embolism
              • Retinal thrombosis
              • Stroke or cerebral hemorrhage
              • Thrombophlebitis and venous thrombosis with or without embolism
              • Toxic shock syndrome (TSS)

              If you experienced adverse NuvaRing side effects or have a loved one who suffered injury following the implantation of NuvaRing, you may have a potential NuvaRing lawsuit.

              More Information

              Approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2001, NuvaRing is a non-biodegradable, latex-free, flexible vaginal ring containing a combination of the hormones estrogen (ethinyl estradiol) and progestin (etonogestrel). Etonogestrel is the active metabolite of desogestrel, a synthetic form of the naturally occurring female sex hormone progesterone. The NuvaRing contraceptive ring is designed to prevent pregnancy by releasing a steady dose of the hormone combination into the bloodstream through the vaginal walls over the course of 21 days. The hormones prevent ovulation, change the cervical mucus to prevent sperm penetration, and thin the lining of the uterus to, theoretically, prevent sperm implantation.

              In October 2003, The New England Journal of Medicine addressed research suggesting that, when taken orally, desogestrel can significantly increase the risk of blood clots. If left untreated, such blood clots can develop into more serious conditions that may include stroke, heart attack, pulmonary embolism, or deep vein thrombosis. These findings, as well as those from other studies, were based upon analysis of the effect of oral contraceptives containing desogestrel.

              A Swiss report was released in June 2010 which claimed there were approximately 40 deaths reported in the FDA database of adverse events associated with Nuvaring.   The current label and package insert for NuvaRing refers only to studies conducted on women using combination oral contraceptives and suggests that adverse reactions associated with the use of combination hormonal oral contraceptives are likely to apply to combination vaginal contraceptives like NuvaRing. The label, however, states that there is no available epidemiologic data to determine whether the safety and efficacy of vaginal administration of combination hormonal contraceptives differs from oral administration. To date, there is no comprehensive study of NuvaRing and the long-term health effects of its vaginally delivered combination.

              Our team of attorneys are now investigating claims and prepared to file NuvaRing lawsuits involving the vaginal ring contraceptive medication NuvaRing®. NuvaRing is manufactured by New Jersey-based Organon USA, Inc., a company that Schering-Plough Corporation acquired in 2007, and has been linked to serious events such as blood clots, pulmonary embolism, stroke and heart attack.Call us today at 1-800-632-1404 for a FREE CONSULTATION.

              No Recovery, No Fee

              We take NuvaRing litigation cases on a contingency basis. That means that there is no cost to you unless we and our co-counsel are able to recover a settlement or judgment on your behalf. So, unless your case is resolved by trial, arbitration, settlement, or other resolution, you do not have to pay any attorney fees to us, or pay any costs. Litigation costs include filing fees, court reporter fees for deposition, copying costs, experts, and travel. Litigation costs are paid by our firm so you don’t have to have cash to pursue justice against medical device corporations.

              About us

              Our team of attorneys have been retained by clients across the world as to allegedly defective and improperly designed medical devices and prescription drugs.  In fact, our team of attorneys has represented patients around the globe for the allegedly defective Advanced Bionics HiRes90k cochlear implant device and other medical devices including the DePuy hip implant, the Mirena IUD and the transvaginal mesh and transvaginal sling devices including from C.R. Bard, AMS, Boston Scientific and Johnson & Johnson’s Ethicon.

              As a NuvaRing attorney, we will investigate your claim and with our co-counsel we stand ready to push your case ahead.


              CALL TOLL FREE: (800) 632-1404

              EMAIL: clicking here.


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                Case Details


                NOTE: Our team of attorneys will review potential cases for all fifty states, including Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin and Wyoming.

                NuvaRing Lawyer Reports on Injuries Caused by the Implantable Device

                NuvaRing Lawyer

                NuvaRing Attorneys Report That Patients May Be Injured

                NuvaRing Side Effect Lawsuit

                More than 1,500 NuvaRing lawsuits have been filed in various U.S. courts against manufacturer Merck seeking product liability. The plaintiffs have claimed that they suffered from fatal consequences, including strokes, clots, and pulmonary embolism caused by the contraceptive vaginal ring side effects. While over 1,000 federal NuvaRing lawsuits are assigned to Judge Rodney W. Sipple of Missouri eastern district federal court under the MDL provision, about 200 NuvaRing lawsuits are pending in the court of Judge Brian R. Martinotti of Bergen County in New Jersey.

                NuvaRing Side Effect: Research Studies Aid Claims

                Manufactured by Merck and its subsidiaries – Organon, Schering Plough, and Akzo Nobel – NuvaRing was introduced in the United States in July 2002. The hormonal contraceptive vaginal ring made of flexible polymer contains a combination of progestin and estrogen. Gradual hormonal release inhibits ovulation, while alterations in the cervical mucus stop sperm penetration, leading to prevention of pregnancy. The convenience of self-administration once in a month, without requiring the patient to visit a doctor, makes the contraceptive vaginal ring a popular birth control option.

                However, research studies have indicated that serious side effects caused by NuvaRing have forced many to abandon the contraceptive vaginal ring within months after they started using it. Two clinical trial reports prepared following year-long assessments by European and American researchers in 2001 and 2002, acute side effects forced more than 15 percent of users to abandon the birth control device. Consumers experienced obstructive sensation, sexual distress, upper respiratory tract infection, headache, vaginitis, and other side effects.

                In June 2012, findings of a Danish study published in the New England Journal of Medicine claimed that NuvaRing birth control could cause two-to-three-fold increase in the possibility of heart attack and stroke. It warned that combination of estrogen and progestine had higher potential of myocardial infarction and ischemic stroke compared to single hormone and non-hormone contraceptives. Based on a comparative study of more than 1.5 million women, the study highlighted that women using NuvaRing were 6.5 times more susceptible to the danger of venous thrombosis. This followed similar findings reported by the British Medical Journal a month ago.

                In October 2011, research data released by the FDA warned that NuvaRing birth control users could face an elevated risk of blood clots. The federal sponsored study found that “third generation” progestin hormones used in the contraceptive vaginal ring have 56% higher potential of causing venous thromboembolic events, known as blood clots in the common parlance, when compared to first and second generation progestin. Scholars went through the medical history of 800,000 women to substantiate their claim and found heart attacks and strokes very often in those using NuvaRing birth control device.

                NuvaRing Lawsuit: Plaintiffs Claim Serious Complications

                According to a NuvaRing birth control lawsuit filed by an Oklahoma woman in January 2013, the plaintiff suffered from bilateral pulmonary emboli or lung arterial blockages following the use of the contraceptive vaginal ring. The birth control device led to blood clots that moved in to her lungs and blocked the arterial path forcing her to be hospitalized. The product liability lawsuit has accused Merck of failing to warn users about the possible NuvaRing side effects, including the risk of life-threatening blood clotting and blockage complications.

                A 26-year-old woman suffered a heart stoke because of NuvaRing-induced pulmonary embolism, according to a NuvaRing lawsuit filed in a north Iowa federal court in September 2012. The plaintiff experienced chest pain and breathing problems within a month of using the vaginal ring contraceptive. She had to be hospitalized for six months after a CT scan discovered that she was suffering from pulmonary embolism. In an identical incident, a Californian resident had a near brush with death following NuvaRing-caused blood clot and blockages. Her lawsuit is pending at a Minnesota district court.

                In February 2012, a Pennsylvania woman sued Merck for negligence, strict liability, breach of warranty, and fraud. The plaintiff, who had stroke within weeks of using NuvaRing contraceptive, sought punitive as well as compensatory damages for her sufferings.


                Side Effects

                Some women who have had NuvaRing implanted experienced serious and even debilitating or life-threatening side-effects. Serious side effects that have been linked to NuvaRing include:

                • Blood clots
                • Cerebral thrombosis
                • Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
                • Heart attack or myocardial infarction (MI)
                • Pulmonary embolism
                • Retinal thrombosis
                • Stroke or cerebral hemorrhage
                • Thrombophlebitis and venous thrombosis with or without embolism
                • Toxic shock syndrome (TSS)

                If you experienced adverse NuvaRing side effects or have a loved one who suffered injury following the implantation of NuvaRing, you may have a potential NuvaRing lawsuit.

                More Information

                Approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2001, NuvaRing is a non-biodegradable, latex-free, flexible vaginal ring containing a combination of the hormones estrogen (ethinyl estradiol) and progestin (etonogestrel). Etonogestrel is the active metabolite of desogestrel, a synthetic form of the naturally occurring female sex hormone progesterone. The NuvaRing contraceptive ring is designed to prevent pregnancy by releasing a steady dose of the hormone combination into the bloodstream through the vaginal walls over the course of 21 days. The hormones prevent ovulation, change the cervical mucus to prevent sperm penetration, and thin the lining of the uterus to, theoretically, prevent sperm implantation.

                In October 2003, The New England Journal of Medicine addressed research suggesting that, when taken orally, desogestrel can significantly increase the risk of blood clots. If left untreated, such blood clots can develop into more serious conditions that may include stroke, heart attack, pulmonary embolism, or deep vein thrombosis. These findings, as well as those from other studies, were based upon analysis of the effect of oral contraceptives containing desogestrel.

                A Swiss report was released in June 2010 which claimed there were approximately 40 deaths reported in the FDA database of adverse events associated with Nuvaring.   The current label and package insert for NuvaRing refers only to studies conducted on women using combination oral contraceptives and suggests that adverse reactions associated with the use of combination hormonal oral contraceptives are likely to apply to combination vaginal contraceptives like NuvaRing. The label, however, states that there is no available epidemiologic data to determine whether the safety and efficacy of vaginal administration of combination hormonal contraceptives differs from oral administration. To date, there is no comprehensive study of NuvaRing and the long-term health effects of its vaginally delivered combination.

                Our team of attorneys are now investigating claims and prepared to file NuvaRing lawsuits involving the vaginal ring contraceptive medication NuvaRing®. NuvaRing is manufactured by New Jersey-based Organon USA, Inc., a company that Schering-Plough Corporation acquired in 2007, and has been linked to serious events such as blood clots, pulmonary embolism, stroke and heart attack.Call us today at 1-800-632-1404 for a FREE CONSULTATION.

                No Recovery, No Fee

                We take NuvaRing litigation cases on a contingency basis. That means that there is no cost to you unless we and our co-counsel are able to recover a settlement or judgment on your behalf. So, unless your case is resolved by trial, arbitration, settlement, or other resolution, you do not have to pay any attorney fees to us, or pay any costs. Litigation costs include filing fees, court reporter fees for deposition, copying costs, experts, and travel. Litigation costs are paid by our firm so you don’t have to have cash to pursue justice against medical device corporations.

                About us

                Our team of attorneys have been retained by clients across the world as to allegedly defective and improperly designed medical devices and prescription drugs.  In fact, our team of attorneys has represented patients around the globe for the allegedly defective Advanced Bionics HiRes90k cochlear implant device and other medical devices including the DePuy hip implant, the Mirena IUD and the transvaginal mesh and transvaginal sling devices including from C.R. Bard, AMS, Boston Scientific and Johnson & Johnson’s Ethicon.

                As a NuvaRing attorney, we will investigate your claim and with our co-counsel we stand ready to push your case ahead.


                CALL TOLL FREE: (800) 632-1404

                EMAIL: clicking here.


                  Your Name (required)

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                  Your Phone Number (required)

                  Case Details


                  NOTE: Our team of attorneys will review potential cases for all fifty states, including Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin and Wyoming.