Kentucky False Claims Act A Possible Reality

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Our team of Kentucky False Claims Act lawyers was pleased to see in the news a recent string of settlements and news under the False Claims Act.  The first involves Kentucky House Speak Greg Stumbo’s efforts to pass a state version of the False Claims Act. There are already state false claims acts in dozens of states, including Illinois, Indiana, Tennessee and Virginia.

Under the legislation, those found guilty would be liable for up to three times the amount they had fraudulently billed the state, and whistleblowers would be eligible to receive anywhere from 15 to 30 percent of the monies recovered as a reward for their service.  Other civil penalties and attorney fees would be an additional cost for those found guilty.

While Stumbo has been unsuccessful in the past, he is hopeful that due to budgetary constraints, the Kentucky legislature will pass the state Kentucky False Claims Act this year.  Stumbo pointed to successes other states and the federal government have seen using their False Claims Acts.  During the 2012 fiscal year alone, according to the Taxpayers Against Fraud website, these governments saw more than $9 billion returned, $300 million of which came from a single case of Medicaid fraud in California.  It makes perfect sense for Kentucky to join the other states that have already received funds that should have never been paid or incurred in the first place. More information can be found by clicking HERE.

Even though Kentucky does not have a state version of its False Claims Act, there is a federal cause of action under the qui tam statute.  If you have any questions please do not hesitate to let us know today as we would be honored to speak confidentially to you about a Kentucky False Claims Act case.


We help whistleblowers on a contingency basis, meaning there is no fee charged for our work unless there is a recovery. We also front any and all expenses. No matter where you are located — we will represent you. We will come to you, you will not have to come to us. Attorneys in our firm and attorneys that we work with on Whistleblower, Qui Tam, False Claims Act cases have represented a host of persons making claims, for violations of federal tax law, Medicare law and more. For more information, please contact our team of whitsleblower and qui tam attorneys today, or visit our False Claims Act Litigation Source.

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    Our offices will review potential false claims act cases in all fifty states, including Tennessee, Arkansas, Mississippi, Kentucky and Alabama.