Memphis Forceps Delivery Injury Lawsuit


Forceps are often used by doctors to facilitate delivery. Unfortunately, when used improperly, forceps can cause extensive damage to the child, including some that are permanent. If too much pressure is applied or forceps are applied unevenly, it could cause excessive strain on the baby’s head, causing brain swelling, compression of the head, skull fractures, tearing of brain vessels, and intracranial hemorrhages. As a result, the baby may suffer brain damage, brain stroke, cerebral palsy, seizure disorders, and intellectual and developmental delays.

Why are Forceps Used?

The use of forceps may be associated with child birth injury cases. Given the risk of using these metal tongs, the doctor may make an informed decision to use forceps to pull the baby out of the birth canal in the following conditions:

  • The mother is exhausted
  • The mother has a sudden hemorrhage
  • The mother is in second prolonged labor stage
  • The mother is suffering from high blood pressure, heart problem, or any other medical condition that makes pushing dangerous and difficult
  • The baby’s heart rate is abnormal
  • Certain drugs are being used that inhibit mother’s ability to push
  • There is breech delivery, wherein the baby’s legs/buttocks appear first during birth

The use of forceps has sharply declined; however, there are doctors that continue to use these instruments to facilitate delivery despite the risks associated with them. As a result, their actions may prove catastrophic for a child. The parents can file a forceps delivery injury lawsuit to prove the doctor’s negligence in delivering their baby safely.

Before using forceps, the physician must ensure that

  • The baby’s head is engaged
  • Forceps are correctly placed, without exerting too much pressure
  • The cervix is fully dilated
  • The fetal presentation and position is known – an ultrasound can come in handy if there is any doubt
  • The fetal size is accurately estimated with clinical dimensions
  • The mother’s bladder is empty and her anesthesia is satisfactory

Additionally, it is the duty of the doctor to explain the risks of the procedure to the mother and get her approval.

The Center for Disease Control statistics reveal that six out of 1,000 newborns are injured during birth every year in the United States. Any mistake during childbirth can cause potential harm to the baby and have life-long consequences.

What causes forceps injury during delivery?

Parents of the baby can file a Memphis forceps birth injury lawsuit against the erring doctor for negligence and deviating from the medical standard of care in delivering the baby safely. The doctor may not have undergone specialized training to use forceps during delivery. The medical practitioner may not have been able to keep updated with the developments in obstetric technology.

Our Memphis forceps birth injury lawyers have found that in some cases, the obstetrician was exhausted or inattentive while facilitating delivery of the child. Other common mistakes during the birthing process may include:

  • Application of excessive force
  • Incorrect use of forceps
  • Inability to recognize and address fetal distress
  • Oxygen deprivation to the fetus
  • Administration of incorrect drug dosage to the mother
  • Failure to perform a c-section when required

Please contact us on our website or call 1-800-632-1404 to have a free evaluation of your claim and consultation with our experienced Memphis forceps delivery injury attorney.